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Everything posted by audioRob

  1. audioRob


    how does the roomba work on medium carpets? how does it deal with lots of items on the floor?
  2. 48" x 86" and it does every trick? Sounds quite impossible...
  3. Hey AR... What kind of high end (more durable) kite would you recommend for a hack like me, or other beginners that might not know exactly how to do a ground recovery ? It looks real easy on the videos, but not so much when you actually get to the flying field. ~Rob. Benson Gemini. Very easy to recover, very difficult to damage (unless it's by a dog). Good starting place, easy to find for 100-150 used
  4. "high-end" kites are more durable by FAR. Not necassarily expensive kites, but good, well-built and designed kites. Just hacking at the kite while it's on the ground will certainly break it. Likewise if it's in the air. If you know how to do a ground recovery, the chances of breaking the kite are very, very low.
  5. Btw, does this one come with batteries?
  6. Hrm... John posts 1685 Rob posts... 301 (as of this post) Im still way behind
  7. Ok, it's my turn now right?
  8. Sea devil will not do it easily, may as well work on the comete on your team hawaiian. Xt.s will, krystal will, mohawk will... I have cynique tutorial footage done, will be first tutorial coming when my laptop gets back The kite should not come out of a turtle, otherwise it's not a cynique.
  9. Ugh Figured it'd be something blatantly obvious.
  10. How come I only find out about this stuff the day before it happens? Stupid question, but i have never known where to find out about events, festivals, conventions etc.. I only find out when someone (rarely) asks me "hey are you going to this?"
  11. Right now just waiting on my laptop to get back so I can finish the work on there... what a curse to become a mac user Got so much stuff done on that thing and now i dont have another mac to keep working on! Btw missrandall, your kites are finished
  12. Howabout you get my laptop back for me so I can complete the 6 tutorials I have half-done Bleh. I cant get ANYTHING done without that thing now
  13. Flying side ways a very slightly downturn (imperceptible but you want the top wing to start coming down).. Pop the top wing, the kite should flare unevenly. If you're flying right to left to right the kite will look like / Rather than - At the flare (it comes quick) then you fully release the bottom wing hand (left in this case), and keep pressure on the top wing hand (right in this case). Better in higher winds, if the winds are low, you need to give a tug and keep pressure on the 'back' hand to get or keep the spin. Not all kites will do this trick. Very easy on nirvana, transfer, akuji and all my kites do it well. Not easy on deepspace, sea devil (but not very hard), genesis and any kite that doesn't 'settle' deep into a turtle.
  14. http://www.pjirc.com/main.php That's where it's at. If you need help setting up the room or selecting a server and whatnot let me know
  15. I would be willing to build it for you. not free of course ... feel free to email me info@airoeuvre.com
  16. 2 point landing, tipstab, backspin cascade, multilazy all been added at www.airoeuvre.com One a day till I run out of ideas!
  17. I already did over at kitebox. Would you like a different one?
  18. http://zenixstudios.com/files/2aetipstab.mov http://zenixstudios.com/files/958twopoint.mov Will be releasing 1 tutorial a day for a week (or longer if people make reasonable requests) over at www.airoeuvre.com If there's anything you'd like to see, let me know.
  19. Those are panels sewn together to make that pattern. It is not a 'fabric pattern'. You should really try first to build a 'blank' orange, or your choice of kites, and see how you do ffirst. Then you can work on panelling and re-use the frame.
  20. MMMM one of my favorite kites, I own 3:) It does not compare to the ozone. It has a very solid lower wind range in that from 3-5 it feels very solid. At 2-3 it feels light and requires a little footwork. Below 2 and it drops off quickly. It is not at all like the new jam or prophecy.. In my experience the prophecy has the same feel as the genesis UL in winds from 3-5 but the genesis UL has much more tricking ability and is a bit more friendly to translate to other newer kites
  21. Awesome It's quite an easy trick... considering the level of proficiency most quad fliers develop compared to dual-fliers (in the same amount of time), the skill needed to do the quad axel is already there for most quad fliers imo.
  22. Usually 3.9-4.0oz dacron. Many ul's use 1.5oz dacron or nylon.
  23. To get transfer off its back, give a pop, the kite will sink back. The pull it right out back into flight Not sure if you were joking or not but in case someone with the same question...
  24. Fly upwards, make sure you have forward momentum. At about 80% up with your hands at your hips, toss your hands forward about a foot. Pop your wrists and step forward. There ya go. If your shoulders are hurting, you're obviously moving your shoulders. That's a no no. Elbows and wrists only. I can do crazy copters all day long in almost any wind (be cursed at odskc though) and not get sore at all... my upper arms dont move at all, not even when on an xts. That's the easiest part though on most kites The spin is where most kites really put on the difficulty. There are some kites that have real issues coming nose down, but it's mostly kites that are set heavy. The lighter (nose forward) your bridle is set, the easier the nose pop is.
  25. Yes it can be done on the sea devil Does it very well I have the crazy copter tutorial ready here. Im very explicit in the CC tutorial as it is my absolute favorite trick.
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