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About de.skyqalsz.sg

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    JB Pro series, BSeries, Revolution Kites
  • Flying Since
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  • Interests
    General inquiries and friends :)
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  1. For all MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! SMOOTH WINDS.... time to ... FLY a Kymera... ... in 2012. A R E M Y K - (K y m e r a In reverse means) - All Round Excitement . MY Kymera!!
  2. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all
  3. Yesterday will be a History, Tomorrow is a Mystery but treat every Today is a gift. :-) May it be a bad or good for anyone, it will always be moment in life to remember.

  4. Great....from 2006 to 2009 to 2011 back in 2012 ....
  5. December's finally arrive... yeah.. :))) counting down to start a new year in a month's time :)

  6. Nice video and Nice Fly too... a rev's originality stamp is beyond a pilot's expectations. My favourites is still the JB pro series and this Revpolo could be listed as one of my favourites too . Thanks for the share John. )
  7. Thinking of indoor flying again and maybe some hot cup of coffee to tag along due to the cold rainy weather here :)

  8. Happy Thanksgiving!!! and Happy Gobble, Gobble...to all :-)
  9. This is for anyone who is on my friends list. I enjoy hearing about you and your family the good news, bad news and support during the dark times. I love the pictures and links. I am happy to count you as my friend, and so many are like family. Thank you so much for being a part of my life, whether or not we talk regularly, you are still in my thoughts. Let's see who actually pays attention... If you like this post, please copy this as your status for just a minute. It shows who actually...

  10. Good Evening and Good Day to all Flier's of the globe.. Smooth winds to all and fly freely under One sky :) C ya again..Zzzz

  11. I totally agree to this sentence here by Stroke Survivor. (PS: We're always learning something new, never think you have it all figured out!!! It's part of the fun!!) It's definitely true and every pilot will generally grown into his or her own styling but still hold firm to the basic principles of how to fly a Revolution kite. I attended the IQuad Clinic in Singapore, I've noticed that it's never about comparison of who's better. Flying individually, It all go down to the bottom line whereby the pilot must be confident and plan what to do before his or her fly. This minimizes the mistakes and you'll gain a lot more after doing the same thing again and again to really get your own original flying technique. Style of the finger as you mention from Joe, I've applied both his and John's method and frankly speaking both techniques comes handy when you know when to apply in different wind conditions. It's a matter of patience and practice. most important is the lines equalization check and wind factor. Kitelife has a lot of tutorials on this performed by John, it does helps me a lot when i first started flying a Quad line kite. Happy flying and smooth winds to all..
  12. Great indoor fly in the hall for both of us just now and needs a little bit more practice time too.. its fun to flying indoor, as something new to gain on every flight movement. learning both theory and visual helps.. :) Have a good day everyone :)

  13. Wow.. great indeed as from my point of view, the kite itself is great. May not be as the Pro JB series thou but still Revolution kites are the best to fly for any stages. lovely color too... :-)
  14. :-) going for an indoor fly with Prince later... Good Afternoon and Good day everyone.. :)

  15. It's a Rainy..rainy day again in Singapore, thinking of flying? well bet ya..flying virtually or maybe urban flying again somewhere later.

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