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Everything posted by shopteacher

  1. paul debakker is comig to up the river this year as a guest flier very cool hope to see everyone there ????if i were able to get a professional choreographer as a guest judge... would that be acceptable... they would be an aka member and have access to training videos, maybe even come to long beach for the fest to shadow. just a thought since most of our score is choreography festival website http://honkernet.net/visitarlington/UPTHERIVERKITES.htm http://honkernet.net/visitarlington/UPTHERIVERKITES.htm
  2. seasoned greeting to all my kite bretheren Seasoned greetings from the cunninghams happy holidays see u in january and up here in feb
  3. i do like your CAT suit... LOL
  4. any of the festival videos have wrens in them chaos effect flew them as pairs at long beach and arlington scott has dvd's of the windless we have dvd's of the up the river I and II i think there is a copy of the comp videos from lincoln city somewhere in my stash bud and jerry made that kite absolutely float.. the buggers make it look sooooooo easy! AND scotty's mirecat is NOT a wren... daniel made it based on one he did in a class somewhere cant remember the name... wayne knows.. and of course... daniel
  5. the count was 36 MR Underwood! Killer multilazy while running a 360! that has to be a record! You Da MAN! Chaos
  6. Sure, ofcourse you can do demos and lessons! There's some more info over at: http://www.thekiteshoppe.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1612 Bud lined up the Phoenix Inn....Linda has stayed there and says it's great! http://www.phoenixinnsuites.com/hotels/vancouver/index.htm $89 a night (plus tax) for 2 queen beds $79 a night for 1 king bed Full Continental breakfast 6am to 10am Indoor pool and spa.... Mention Indoor Kite fly weekend rate. T I/we are there kelly and rick are sending kid effect off to the navy today (sunday) and they plan to be at the even in camas colleen and connor will be there for a bit but they are off to omsi to the star wars thing on saturday got 2 new bird moves... nothing like having a little Vocabulary! i AM a freak of nature! A
  7. yeah man... right place... right time... and its ALL good! thanks for the totals... NWSKL rocks! kudos to everyone who competed in less than optimal wind... but better than average company! AND an exceptional hotel arrangement where else can we stay, fly, and socialize all in the same place.
  8. what was the mdal count broken down by league? Curious minds would like to know
  9. I found one from a guy on kite classified freaky wierd... I usually dont LOSE things like this or anything for that matter missed O-shores... I spoke at our graduation... what a BANG that was I stunned the audience with a small explosion... SMALLll being the sarcastic term... HEHEHE he he heheheheheheh BOOM hehehehhehhehehehehe BOOM! keep you eyes and ears out for them A I have DVD's available... just email me hailragnar(at)honkernet.net I will be at Long Beach
  10. I was converting my kite machine from indoor to outdoor and found ONE of my 3 little birds.... the last time they were all together was lincoln city.... gosh.. I hope someone picked them up and forgot about them please check youe indoor bags... these kites cannot be replaced, no longer available and I cannot find them "used" any help is appreciated they are in a black bag... flat about 6 inches wide by about 14 inches long each bag contains one bird. thanks Captain CHaos Alan CUnningham hailragnar"@"honkernet.net 541-4542265
  11. if you plan to fly with more than 2 kites... start with 2 caribeners and hook your kite to your belt loops and fly with your hips.... that gives you an idea of range of motion for the slowest kite I have flown with one kite on each hand and hooked to my waist (one in hand one on waist for each side) that alloows push pull control similar to precision moves mirrored pvc or rev handles also work... different lengths work great for throw and perry. scott davis was doing cascades and inverted work with his kites on pvc handles a few years ago... contact the mirecat enjoy Captain CHaos
  12. who needs a video.. I forgot please send me your address by my email hailragnar(@)honkernet.net looks like noone else has one ready yet. justin shot sundays performance and all the comps were shot by kelsey and bud. thanks for the help 5 bucks to ship,.... this is rons thing so we are not making any money on this production I know I am supposed to send one to lam and lee/debbie Captain CHaos
  13. SADDNESS>.. did anyone else get them?
  14. HEY... your sexy sweet husband get any good video of the demos on sunday morning? I will trade for eh complete set of comps AND the sunday production on DVD A
  15. I wasn't to bossy was I Amy? Lincoln City was fantastic!! The newspaper articles were wonderful. We should tell people about the jelly fish. A small clear kitchen garbage bag. With a knot tied at the bottom so it can be attached to a string on a banner pole. The opening has long slender mylar strips attached. When you move the pole up and down slowly the jelly fish opens and closes and appears to be alive. We all fell in love with them and it gave us a chance to add a few kids to the show. (Amy included) The sad thing is, Steve is not a great video man. He thinks he got a whole show on video, but I'm not finding it and I saw none of the jellyfish on it. We're a little preoccupied right now and will have to look harder later. What a treat the whole weekend was. I can't wait for next year! BB Penny I got all of sunday's performance and al the comps video onto dvd.... look sgreat\ what I need to see is my demo on sunday morning... "cmon cmon OH YEAH!!!!!"
  16. great festival ron! excellent... we were all treated like kings and queens great accomidations, food, and fun for all you sir are VERY well connected in lincoln city What a great production.. at first blush, my piece of the producution was puzzling... not sure how it fit in with the grand scheme... when it all came together on friday WOW... I saw it was all part of a master design! thanks LEE and DEBBIE for including me and my little friends in the production... now where do we go from here?....LOL great video shot by Justin/Kelsie/and bud... thanks for the commentary by the way YES... the mic is HOT when you are shooting. It was a great weekend of flying and fun.. cant wait for next year what is next... a FOUR bird refuel... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (maniacal laugh) lots of cameras were going off... hopefully someone got a shot of my menage' a refuel on sunday morning? even better... VIDEO eh steve? can ya send some my way? is the NWSKL repository of pictures still in action? I have a few to share ALSO... RON... is the OFFICIAL VIDEO coming out soon? bootlegs are in the works already..he he Captain Chaos
  17. under 18 protected by LAW over 60, protected by NATURE!!!! lOL did all those picts come through? I believe they were all caitlin later A
  18. good winds to your dad mouse got your copy of teh DVD ready for LC.. see ya there? hope so anyone else that wants DVD's of the fest speak now.. so I can get them ready for delivery I also ship... costs about 5 bucks for a dvd in a protective envelope I do paypal... FYI
  19. avoid the salmon look... many emotions running high on that topic in that neighborhood! Little mermaid? UNDER THE SEA? maybe if I were human... no wrong movie.. LOL sounds like it will be fun to WATCH where is everyone satying in LC? ron set me up at a high class rasin ranch... sounds nice and the food is superb, like a bed and breakfast.. only with old people. thanks RON! and better yet.. they LOVE kite people! WATER MAS whooshing out my music is slow and flowing... like my little fishes I like fishes cause theyre SOOO delicous
  20. what i needed was the look on OUR face when they came out... but I dont think even cait got that one we will see who hates who when it comes to open quads on the sand... you're my here.. and my nemesis have a nice day (to quote bon jovi on a monday morning) Chaos
  21. yes i do they will be on the way to kitelife.com... all were taken by caitlin I will send them to you tomorrow from work.. that is where they all are can you send me the one with the lighter than air kite? LOL Captain Chaos
  22. no extra... she messsed up my up and over shot.. so she grabbed the one from hot tricks... just before I fell on my back... LOL it really tied the picture together no? A
  23. megafly photo is posted at http://www.honkernet.net/visitarlington/UP...TES-megafly.htm enjoy Captain CHaos
  24. Caitlin once again did her magic... here is the megafly photo available on the 2006 edition of the UP THE RIVER 2006 DVD... and probably in a few publications as it goes. http://www.honkernet.net/visitarlington/UP...TES-megafly.htm KUDOS to here and good luck at OSU (that is OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY) next year... Jessica did a great job with the video content for the DVD... a definite must have for your collection we probably will include a framable photo with the DVD for your viewing pleasure courtesy of HonkerShots. Captain Chaos CEO HonkerTech www.honkernet.net or www.visitarlington.us
  25. DVD PRODUCTION UPDATE cover art is DONE... cait has worked her magic once again ALL competitors are featured. the "MASS ASCENSION" of indoor kites was awesome... truly fitting for the cover of our DVD both the singe disc and double disc edition will get the cover art... with a special bonus inside let me know if you want to purchase a copy of the DVD... 5 dollars goes to the HonkerTech program for the furtherment of technolgy and COOL TOYS! single disc=$15 double disc=$20 (the double disc has the same performances as the single but encoded at a higher rate... better quality SP as opposed to EP for your videophiles) Captain Chaos A
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