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Everything posted by shopteacher

  1. BEAUTY EH? see ya friday the tune is "they dont want music" from the Black Eyed Peas (Monkey Business-album) PERFECT Thank the heavens its not that lady humps abomination One question with respect to getting there, whats my best bet? maps.google.com suggests coming down through Yakima though my first guess would have been to hit Portland and turn left... yes... "my lovely lady lumps" is not exactlya family friendly tune YEAH... head to portland and turn east (buy gas beforeyou enter the gorge... price is about 10 cents less)...sadis pass or snowqualme are bad this time of year. watch for hydroplaning around corners between cascade locks and hood river... the road gets a bit wet between there... 50 miles past the dalles and you are there good coffee at the pheasant.. ask becky to make you a mrc special or a colleen delight if you like milk in your coffee
  2. BEAUTY EH? see ya friday the tune is "they dont want music" from the Black Eyed Peas (Monkey Business-album) PERFECT
  3. NO WORRIES as long as they are clean!
  4. COOL thanks DAVE game time is 6:00 PM and then near 7:30 or so UPDATE for saturday LUNCH- soup salad and bread care of the arlington Booster club (free for registered fliers) and a small charge for everyone else DINNER - BBQ hamburger, chips, beverage, and a dessert care of the Arlington 8th grade and their parents. registered fliers eat free and everyone else it is $5... can't beat the location or the cause... thankyou for your support SUNDAY... donuts and COfffee c/o COlumbia River Kites when the gym opens ABOUT THE GYM.. bring indoor only shoes or go without shoes... please
  5. ALSO... if anyone is planning to come for the friday demos at half time.. let me know by phone and or email we have about 8 minutes to play in front of a live studio audience.... on LIVE TV during the bball half times of both games John is already confirmed... but if anyone else wants in, the time slots are filling up. and there will be lots of motion in the crowd and the doors will be OPEN.. FYI for all you wren fliers! LOL
  6. shaving cream... uh no.... you may not ask great DAVE and AMY love to have you here... make sure you call the VI motel and ask for teh kite flier special... NO it is not retail PLUS 25%! LOL 5414542646 ask for mary! like the field of dreams... if you build it.. they will come sunshine, 50 degrees and sustained winds out of the west at about 10-12 at 10 AM wednesday I am on my cell all weeekend if you need me starting tomorrow (yest I realize tomorrow is THURSDAY) I am heading to seattle for a track and field conference.. GO SEAHAWKS
  7. GREAT,,, the more fliers.. the more fun we should have a great weekend. if the wind picksup outside... could make some interesting flying in the upper altitudes... JOHN! yes penny... bring him with you! LOL Glad to hear you are coming DAVE and AMY! come in time for the basketball game and fly with john and I! we have about 8 minutes to play for a captive crowd! if not.. tune in to channel 14 at the hotel DAVE, make sure AMY brings her trick wren... I smell a demo coming! LOL 8th grade stepped up and will provide bbq for all registered fliers and for a meager sum for everyone else... got lots of calls... we should have a good turnout the Desire is a UL from PASS TIMES and THE KITE SHOPPE is bringing a wren for the auction/raffle... newtech send a couple kites and rev is sending a couple UFOS. great! yes brian.. there will be another CASE of shaving cream!!!!! maybe even some kite repair tape! LOL any thoughts on a head judge for the weekend? got it covered if noone objects to colleen wants to do a bear toss on sunday for teh trids... should be fun... everything is fun with a catapult! dont hesitate to call 5414542265 or email hailragnar@honkernet.net or acunning@arlington.k12.or.us with questions... I only get to the forum 1x/day
  8. LOOKING FOR A HEAD JUDGE FOR UP THE RIVER.. ANY TAKERS? The Mayor of Arlington has offered her services for open ballet and mystery ballet on saturday. it would be nice to have an experienced flier to be the head judge... I am trying to get 5 judges for this event. Colleen and Kelly will do it together if need be. We have an announcer, music man, door guards, and a field director (thanks scott) so far as well as other support staff "floating" a well oiled machine makes for a fun weekend for all..even the coordinator! concessions available all day and a bbq around 5:30 see ya FRI/SAT LINK for the hotel is http://www.honkernet.net/visitarlington/villageinn_motel.htm dont know why it didnt work before or call (541) 454-2646 and ask for MARY LINK FOR FESTIVAL http://www.honkernet.net/visitarlington/UPTHERIVERKITES.htm
  10. Hi Alan! Scott and I were talking about it, and we have a Wren to donate to the cause! Also, we have some Flexifoil line sets to bring along for the bag raffle as well. Some of them retail for about $28, so a .50 cent ticket is a great deal for the winner. Hope you sell LOTS of tickets!! Question...do you need to be present during the drawing to be a winner?? See you soon! T GREAT... as long as you have a phone number on the ticket... we can call you if you win... good point. would you prefer the wren be a live auction item instead of a bag raffle? no worries Newtech sent us a couple air yo's (1 for demo and 2 for raffle) and a couple kites... lolly is planning to send a couple UFO's I hope. COlleen is making a quilt for the raffle... quilted pillows I believe. WE ARE ALSO THINKING OF DOING A TEDDY BEAR TOSS FOR THE LITTLNS ON SUNDAY. EVERY KID IS A WINNER.
  11. Alan, are you having a Bag Raffle?? T
  12. UNFORTUNATELY, someone forgot to renew the www.honkernet.net domain with network services... and threw out the emails they sent as SPAM HAHA who was that.... MY BAD.. sorry about the confusion.. that is one of those hosting boo boos you make every 6-10 years right JOHN?
  13. YES.. I can have some ready for up the river 2-3 can make more as needed See ya then
  14. come on up to the Up the River indoor in Arlington... 2 hrs east of portland... close to you?
  15. the next indoor event on the aka schedule is Up the River 2006 in Arlington, Oregon FEB 11/12 we have a large climate controlled gymnasium with high domes ceilings to offer and a small town community that wil greet you with open arms. Saturday... registered fliers eat free! we have an aka sanctioned NWSKL league indoor competition, demos, hot tricks, and a new event for indoor "MYSTERY BALLET" Bag raffle to benefit the World Kite Museum and the Arlington Booster Club check out the festival website at http://www.honkernet.net/visitarlington/UPTHERIVERKITES.htm sponsored by Columbia River kites-Irrigon OR, Arlington High School, and many more pleanty of free flying time and lessons for those who want to learn about flying single, dual, or quad line kites indoor. plenty of lodging, food and activities for the weekend AFTER the super bowl!!! please call 541-454-2265 or email at hailragnar@honkernet.net for more info and see you at Up The River 2006 thankyou
  16. yes... what a great idea. we can get more local involvement if a local entity benefits we are looking at some serious budgetary cuts in the next few years in the schools, both oregon and washington. to benefit them as well as the kite museum would be totally awesome! lions clubs, rotary, and other entities would also be great benfactors. lets look into that!
  17. YES... Marc Ricketts lives in portland... NE if I remember. email him from his guildworks.com website. he should be back from the slushfest of Kites on Ice soon. his indoor routine should have been unfettered by the unseasonably warm conditions... rumor has it. indoor at schools is tough unless you get someone on the inside. try offering to do a demo/assembly(contact the science, drama person, PTA) or even a half time show at the basketball game... that gets your foot in the door. It worked for us out in Arlington for the Up the River indoor Feb 5/6. Most school are very protective of their high school surfaces.. commons areas in newer schools work well...like the one in loncoln city. A word of warning... the lighter kites need a "sealed" room... even the mostion of a small door will disrupt the flight of a wren or rev. also contact john about indoor venues.. he is working with Marc to get it done. captain chaos
  18. UP THE RIVER 2005 was amazing.. it was true... if you book them, they will come. Next year the crowd will be larger... lots of curiosity AFTER THE FACT! We had great experienced and beginner fliers. the floor was busy the entire time. Thanks to ALL the people who donated time, effort, and stuff to make this work. Spectators felt welcome to approach ANY flier and ask questions of have a lesson... no age limit! Up the River 2005 CREW: JUDGES-VOLUTEERS Linda Hayes Carmen Kontour-Gronquist-Mayor of Arlington Colleen Cunningham BOB Wendt Kirstie Hayes DOOR CREW and 'whatever we need' ladies--Colleen Cunningham & Kelly Wright ANNOUNCERS---Rick Wright & Dave Shattuck EVENT HOW TO DUDE---Scott Davis ( I could have NEVER pulled this off without his help!) AUCTION/RAFFLE/SUPPORT DONORS 70+ items for the bag raffle and live auction Columbia River Kites...trophies and SO MUCH MORE! Daniel Haigh---feathers for recognition awards Pass Times, Hood River OR Prism Vapor and Air Yo The Kite Shoppe, Vancouver WA Lynx Feather Johnny's of Fife Arlington Chamber of CommerceUp the River 2005---Food for FLiers on Saturday Local Businesses: Mid-Columbia Hair Design Pheasant Grill Happy Canyon Pizza Village Inn Motel AHS Class of 2006---concessions Flier Families---too many things to list Arlington School District/High School New Tech Kites--Air Yo's, Pyro, Firecrackers PHOTOJOURNALIST---Caitlin Bartlemay VIDEOGRAPHER---Sonia Turner MEDIA---East Oregonian, Hermiston Herald, The Dalles Chronicle, KiteLife (John Barresi & Dave Shattuck), 97.5 COOL FM Special Thank yous to the generosity of the fliers and spectators generating over 400 dollars for the World Kite Museum. What can I say? I am Tired, Sore, and ready for bed... what a perfect weekend of flying! Many Happy regards Captain CHaos(also known as ALAN)---ANNUAL Up the River INDOOR Kite Festival event coordinator. Next STop for Indoor is Lincoln City in March... they have a bigger gym! Caitlin also says thanks for your support.. and G'Day!
  19. UP THE RIVER 2005 was amazing.. it was true... if you book them, they will come. Next year the crowd will be larger... lots of curiosity AFTER THE FACT! We had great experienced and beginner fliers. the floor was busy the entire time. Thanks to ALL the people who donated time, effort, and stuff to make this work. Spectators felt welcome to approach ANY flier and ask questions of have a lesson... no age limit! Up the River 2005 CREW: JUDGES-VOLUTEERS Linda Hayes Carmen Kontour-Gronquist-Mayor of Arlington Colleen Cunningham BOB Wendt Kirstie Hayes DOOR CREW and 'whatever we need' ladies--Colleen Cunningham & Kelly Wright ANNOUNCERS---Rick Wright & Dave Shattuck EVENT HOW TO DUDE---Scott Davis ( I could have NEVER pulled this off without his help!) AUCTION/RAFFLE/SUPPORT DONORS 70+ items for the bag raffle and live auction Columbia River Kites...trophies and SO MUCH MORE! Daniel Haigh---feathers for recognition awards Pass Times, Hood River OR Prism Vapor and Air Yo The Kite Shoppe, Vancouver WA Lynx Feather Johnny's of Fife Arlington Chamber of CommerceUp the River 2005---Food for FLiers on Saturday Local Businesses: Mid-Columbia Hair Design Pheasant Grill Happy Canyon Pizza Village Inn Motel AHS Class of 2006---concessions Flier Families---too many things to list Arlington School District/High School New Tech Kites--Air Yo's, Pyro, Firecrackers PHOTOJOURNALIST---Caitlin Bartlemay VIDEOGRAPHER---Sonia Turner MEDIA---East Oregonian, Hermiston Herald, The Dalles Chronicle, KiteLife (John Barresi & Dave Shattuck), 97.5 COOL FM Special Thank yous to the generosity of the fliers and spectators generating over 400 dollars for the World Kite Museum. What can I say? I am Tired, Sore, and ready for bed... what a perfect weekend of flying! Many Happy regards Captain CHaos(also known as ALAN)---ANNUAL Up the River INDOOR Kite Festival event coordinator. Caitlin also says thanks for your support.. and G'Day!
  20. THIS JUST IN... PASS TIMES IN HOOD RIVER HAS DONATED A RASPBERRY VAPOR by prism (yes.. raspberry is a CUSTOM kite frm Prism) for the auction at the Up the River Kite Festival. for more info... email Alan Cunningham. What a great cotribution.
  21. the only thing about kite competitions is the "weather permitting" aspect of travel. come to the UP THE RIVER kite festival and competition in arlington oregon... yes, ARLINGTON , OREGON. see http://www.honkernet.net/visitarlington/uptheriverkites.htm for more flying information about this amazing event in ARLINGTON, OREGON. hosted in part by Columbia River Kites, and the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. email hailragnar(at)honkernet.net for more information
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