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Everything posted by LeighB

  1. How about their names next to the leading edge and the lower wing edge? so basically you'd have 2 names in each empty space?
  2. Ok so it was kinda a predictable idea, the fonts are a bit screwy and will need work and I think something might/could be put in the white center of the kite, for example, that could be where it says iQuad, i dunno, just somethign i was tinkering with, another idea could be to have the name of the 4 members of iQuad next to the leading edge of each rev following the orientation of the kite? just random ideas lol
  3. I just want to say thanks to John and David for letting me hang out with them over the weekend! it was truely a fantastic event and eye opener on what Revs can do! I learnt a great deal over the weekend flying with you guys and watching how the pros do it!
  4. HAppy Birthday John!
  5. hehe that good for nothing Simian has just bought a new MacBook envious am I!
  6. Also is 20mph Vented Teritory or still flyable and performable with a normal sail?? last week at my local field the winds were 15 - 26mph and while is was a b_tch to do any precision flying with my limited flying skill it still seemed flyable, infact its possibly the first timei've been able to reverse with a rev without going into a flat spin although that might be due partially to slight changes in where the knots are on my handles as per recomendation by Monkey
  7. then I'll most likely break out the 1.5 SLE for Berkeley fest, however, i'm curious about the standard leading edge in a 1 now... and if I get another rev I can almost convice myself I need 2 more after that so I can fill one of Revs Kite bags
  8. yep! saved em to my hard drive and tried em in Quicktime and Windows Media Player, not a peep. I'm using a mac though so that might be the root of the problem
  9. Don't know if these are just not working for me but Quicktime isn't playing these, not sure why though....
  10. hey everybody, thanks for all the answers to my questions, Rev1 Standard edge it is! looking forward to flying with you guys at Berkley!
  11. I wasn't going to get a SLE a regluar one is preferable i just wanted to kinda know how different the handling will be, ideally i'll get it at the fest, hopefully i'll also be able to get one without mylar sails as well.
  12. Heya guys, I currently have a Rev 1.5sle now but when I move to the states in June I plan to get a rev 1, Can you explain to me how the different leading edge rods make a difference to the handling of the kite (SLE vs Standard 2 or 4 wrap frame) and also which standard wrap frame would be better? Thanks, Leigh
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