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oapbillf last won the day on April 5 2022

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About oapbillf

  • Birthday 08/19/1945

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    The Rev I am flying, until the wind changes
  • Flying Since
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    Hemel Hempstead, England.
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Enjoying retirement.Team flying
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  1. First where are you in the UK 3mm bungy (bungee) try here:- https://kitesup.co.uk/materials/
  2. Here you go ! https://www.kiteworld.co.uk/acatalog/Skyshark-Straight-Carbon-Tubes.html I fly on Dunstable Downs but depending where you are in London Blackheath Common home of the Decorators may be better, at either place you would get good advice !
  3. A bit too far north for me unfortunately ! you could try contacting team "Fusion " admin@fusionrevteam.co.uk they are based in the Newcastle area and will almost certainly know flyers in your area ! There are quite a few good festivals in your area, Lytham St Annes being well worth a visit.
  4. Hi Madoldlad, Give us a clue as to where you are in the UK ! I probably know of someone who might be able to help.
  5. Hi Cliff, I have just found you on the forum ! Yes you are most welcome to join us on Dunstable Downs, as stated we are there most Sundays from about 10 am. Frequently there are about six of us sometimes meeting up on a Saturday as well depending on the weather forecast. See you tomorrow if all goes well ! Bill
  6. Hi Edmond, You have given me some good options to try, thanks ! The Bol has 15 bridle lines at 13ft in length so I will not add any more yet, Towing line length is the easiest thing to try but for now I will vent the outer edge where the collapse emanates and see what happens ! Its all about experimentation, if you don't try you will never know.
  7. Thanks Mitch, I understand what you are saying but what I am considering is adding some form of venting on the outer edge just inboard of the bridle attachment points ! Will it work ? don't know until I try it ! I am surprised that you are the only person to reply so far !
  8. Hi Kite fliers, During this pandemic I decided to make something different from a quad, using a free plan downloaded I have made a 8ft BOL, It flies great with a lot of pull BUT frequently collapses when it moves to either side of the wind window ! Are there some BOL experts out there somewhere in the ether who has a solution ? Bill
  9. Remember that the EXP was supplied with 3 wrap rods that did not have stickers !
  10. See you in the morning then! The forecast means vented kites are the order for the day, we have an assortment and will set up for training.
  11. That,s handy Mark, That,s not a kite I recognise but we can have a look! We fly on Dunstable Downs just about every Sunday (LU6 2GY) from about 10 am if you can make it come and join us. A couple of hours with us and you will be saving a lot of frustration and set you in the right direction. facebook :- dunstable downs old gents
  12. Mark, I see you are in the UK ! give us a clue as to where please ? I might be able to put you in contact with quad flyers in your area. If you can state what make/model you purchased preferably with a photo it would help.
  13. oapbillf


    Hi Lulu, Your leaders are way off for any control, loads of drive to take off but that,s it ! The attached pic shows my leader set up and is purely as a guide, what you are looking for is the differential between power and brake, normally this would be between three and eight inches, your sweet spot would usually fall in that area! Have a look at JB,s tutorials and other videos taking notice of flyers handles and their leaders but best of all if you can hook up with another flyer that would have your problems sorted very quickly ! Good luck facebook Dunstable-Downs-Old-Gents
  14. The Cross 1.3 would be ideal as first kite, I have flown this model and found it pretty good ! A kite killer is not really required but there again it would be good practice to get used to using one, a ground stake would also be useful ! If your nephew can get up to Dunstable Downs on a Sunday and look for any quad line flyers, they will help you and teach the basics.
  15. And don,t forget that the vertical rods go on the back of the kite !
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