After sewing many noses, many times I looked for a different solution. I have found a solution that is so strong I don't think it will ever poke through. I took the seatbelts out of my van a while back, which has now gone to the scrapyard. I cut a small rectangle of the seatbelt and superglued it directly to the nose of the kite. I did it in three passes, allowing the two materials to actually melt to each other. I put some glue on one end of the rectangle and stuck it to one side of the kite. I allowed it to bond real good. You could feel the heat of the bonding coming through the material. I then added more glue to the center of the rectangle and folded it over the tip where the hole was, then let that set. Last, I applied some more glue to the last section of the rectangle and folded it over the other side of the kite. The whole piece of seatbelt was maybe one ince by two inches, or perhaps one by three. Super light, super strong, and NO sewing. I don't think it will ever poke through it again.