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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    phantom, revolution
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    bay city, michigan
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    kite, hunting, fishing
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  1. 2 3/4 Hawaiian's (smal tear in one ) 2 phantoms 1 spinoff 1 10ft flexifoil 3 Revolution stack. I only have a bridal on one kite. Pink and black rev is signed by the brothers. All hookups, handles for dual lines both powerer and ultralight wind lines. Rev lines long power lines for the stack, long regular and a short ballet line ultralight. Well used kite bag and other goodies in pockets. Would like to get 1000.00 OBO
  2. I was wrong on the full size. I have 2 3/4 hawaiins and 2 full size spin offs, 2 phantoms, signed and numbered and a 3 rev stack. I could actually part with any of them, they just sit in the bag.
  3. I have two 3/4 stacked hawaiins, pink, teal and black. I also have two spin offs, one red yellow and blue or purple (colorblind) and one purple, yellow and something else. they are at my cabin until next weekend, then I can get actual colors. I also have a full size hawaiin in pink, teal and black.
  4. Thanks guys. so have the rev's changed much? I have three of them and I can part with two.
  5. ok now should I go with the widow maker or the widow ng?
  6. What are the pros flying? I have some, i may part with to fund it. I have a 3/4 hawaiin stack, a three rev stack signed by the brothers, 2 phantoms signed and numbered a spinoff and a 10ft flexi. Looking to get the "Best" available.
  7. Well I am looking to get back in after a while off to raise kids. I am very experienced in old school kites and am ready to jump into the new stuff out there. I was looking at a quantum pro or a deep space. I want to get the best and most responsive kite available. Money is an option but not really for "the best" kite available. Any suggestions?
  8. Well do I need keel weights or nose weights to do some of those moves? How would I adjust the static bridle for that? What type of winds would you try that stuff in? Is it easy to convert to a dynamic bridle? Why won't a phantom do that stuff the new ones do?
  9. Hey guys, newbie here. First post. I have flown kites since the mid to late 80's. Got out of it for quite some time and am now getting back into it. I don't have anything new. Some top of the line chevrons, spin offs, phantoms, revolutions and flexifoils. Anyway watching the stuff the guys do now is amazing. Could someone help me in setting up my phantom bridle to do some of these new tricks? Chuck
  10. Welcome to the forums matlocc :)

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