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Everything posted by windwarrior

  1. I'm interested in #2. Will contact after work tonight. Please hold. One critical question.....is the kite in smoke free home?
  2. No. Still have them. I plan to repair the one with clear patch instead of the ridiculous color used by previous owner.
  3. Appreciate the feedback. I'm glad he responded because I couldn't understand if someone was smart enough to get through the process of setting up an account on this forum, then he's probably smart enough to respond and monitor accordingly to his own post. Good to see I wasn't imagining things.....phew. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.....selling these kites.
  4. I guess I jumped the gun on the accusations part(not in my nature ) but it really pissed me off having to close that email address from the last experience I had with a member here. It may very well had been to his account being hacked without his knowledge but I can't really say. I've done quite a bit of business on this forum without any issues other than that mentioned here so I'm most definitely guarded now and have no intention of making the same mistake twice. I'm most definitely not tech challenged and am on here almost daily with or without logging on. Business gets very busy and time is of the essence. I haven't seen anything appealing and haven't seen or received any responses to my post for these so no real reason to log on with time restraints thrown into the mix. My apologies if my outburst to the "spam " comment bothered anyone but my feelings stand on the matter.
  5. If you're interested in these kites then you'll have to communicate via this forum. I will NEVER answer to a private email again since the last time I made that mistake I had to shut down my email address. Yeah, no thanks. I smell a spammer!!!!
  6. I had taken pictures real quick to get add to the post and just didn't completely assemble it. Yes it comes complete as purchased originally from Prism.
  7. Have had a lot of interests but nothing concrete yet.....
  8. I'm selling these as a set only. Both are crispy and one has a repair on the left panel. pm if interested.
  9. This kite comes complete with lines, winder and even original instructions
  10. This kite comes kite and sleeve only. It's also numbered and signed. P.M. if interested. ....
  11. Pictures added. This kite is flawless and never flown.
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