Hi everyone! My name is Aaron. I'm new here and it had been since I was a kid that I flew kites and I'm really loving these stories and this forum. I recently got back into kites while at a flow arts festival on the Oregon coast. Flow arts is a term many use to describe a mental state achieved when getting into a movement based art (object manipulation). Where practice and muscle memory kicks in and you can truly turn off the internal dialogue and just be in the now and connect with the activity at hand. These festivals involve fire spinning and toys of all types. (staff, hoops, poi, clubs, juggling etc). Lots of workshops and some of the finest skilled circus and flow arts folks in the country. I bought a single line kite to have something to do on the beach besides play with my other props. I had forgotten how wonderful it is to put kites in the air and the magic that they add to the world. It also occurred to me that kite flying could and is very much a flow art. As a kid I had a cheap two line, two kite stack made of plastic with no standoffs that I flew on vacations with my family. I flew that till it fell apart and learned some very basic things with it. I decided that I wanted to get a dual line kite when I got back from the festival and so I got my first dual line kite in probably 30 years and have been flying as much as possible. The learning curve is still very rewarding and after watching some tutorials I'm getting the hang of basics with it. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I get into quad line. Kind of seems like the ultimate but I totally am loving flying my dual line kites (at this point I have 5). Thank you all for the inspiration and knowledge. I've already learned a lot and hope to make it to some kite festivals in the future. Hope to meet some of you and happy flying!