I gave my grand kids a nice deta from Premier a few years back. They were over in Oregan flying it when the line holder broke one handle off, the kite started flying off across the bay, about the time the kite was to come down, the line holder (the kind wth a handle on both ends and line in the middle) would hit the water and ankor the kite, it would then soar back into the sky, until the kite lifted the line out of the water, then it would start falling again. the process repeated several times across about a mile of water, until a guy on the far side of the bay cought it as it came ashore. My grand daughter ran all the way around the bay to get her kite back. The guy was very gracious and gave it back to her. By the time she got back to us she was beat but very poud her kite didnt get away. One of the funnyiest things I've ever seen!