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About SunriseKites

  • Birthday 10/05/1951

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Large singles lines and Revs
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Idaho Falls, Idaho
  • Country
    United States
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  1. Happy Anniversary John and TK. It is great to see you toghther! Hope you enjoy eachother forever and ever.
  2. Oh well keep it cooking and serve it up soon as you can, the kids will love it. We did a scout camparee here a while back and 6 of us helped make 500 kites in about 6 hours time. It was a lot of work but there were 500 scouts beaming with their own new kite! it was a lot of fun. This year they asked us back to set up and make kites for 10000-12000 scouts! When we told them what it would take to do that over a 3 day camp they graciously backed down and just let us up come and fly some really big kites and teach some kids how to fly a rev, even that was a challange with that many kids around! But it was well worth it! Dean
  3. So what is happening with the scouts? Did everything work out good? hopefully things went great. Maybe some other scout troops will want to build kites for their kids. It is surpising how inexpensively you can help kids build kites.usually under a buck!
  4. It is still a pretty good deal at $175 you know. It really is good as new.
  5. Sorry bout that , hope you have a strong heart and a good disposition. LOL
  6. $175, sorry bout that mistype.
  7. Cool I figured out the photo thing!
  8. SunriseKites


  9. http://kitelife.com/forum/gallery/image/5012-/ http://kitelife.com/forum/gallery/image/5011-/ Not sure how to up load photo's here, The used one I have is a supersonic that is purple, white and blue colors. It is $175. I also have a new shockwave at $210 that is blue black and white one, I believe.
  10. I have a Rev super sonic I think is what it is. Might be a shockwave, It has been used once and has been in storage eversince. I'd like to sell it for $175. You can reach me by email or call 208 524 5551 Thanks Dean
  11. I gave my grand kids a nice deta from Premier a few years back. They were over in Oregan flying it when the line holder broke one handle off, the kite started flying off across the bay, about the time the kite was to come down, the line holder (the kind wth a handle on both ends and line in the middle) would hit the water and ankor the kite, it would then soar back into the sky, until the kite lifted the line out of the water, then it would start falling again. the process repeated several times across about a mile of water, until a guy on the far side of the bay cought it as it came ashore. My grand daughter ran all the way around the bay to get her kite back. The guy was very gracious and gave it back to her. By the time she got back to us she was beat but very poud her kite didnt get away. One of the funnyiest things I've ever seen!
  12. First kite as a kid was a little diamond HiFlyer. They cost a quarter and were worth about just that much. It was paper and blasla wood kite. broke the first time I flew it, then I had to rebuild it out of "news paper", it would them fly a little longer, then I'd be back rebuilding it again. That was in 1955 didnt even have plastic bags yet! Wow makes me feel pretty old.
  13. Kind of a late response, but have you found what you need? Have you been able to fly or are you still waiting for info. If you still need info please contact me and I'll try to help. Dean
  14. I love my E3! it flys fantastic and is very responsive. Best 2 line for the $ I've had. I'm not a fan of ebay or amazon for kites. To many seem to not quite be up to factory standards when they arrive??? Seems they do anything to sell cheap rather then selling the compete package form the dealer. ALso they dont know what they are selling. Go find a local dealer, make a friend, support local kite shops. Have a place to go with questions. Just sayin.
  15. Had a gentleman come to me to "fix" his kite from doing the same kind of thing. It was a 16' Delta, but pulling to one side. when I took it out to fly it, I found one of the spars was split leagnth wise and gave very little support. I replaced the spar with a new one and now if flys great. Sometimes you have to look close at them to see that they have split. Good luck, Please let us know when you get if fixed and what you found out. We may all learn something. Enjoy the Sky Dean
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