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Hello everyone. I am hoping someone might lend me some knowledge on how to fix a issue that i have been having. 


I recently got my husband a DM Sul and of course I had to go test drive it and experience how it flew. lol And so i am running into a problem when i  go to lay it back into a turtle, it slides towards me so  at such a pace that i can not back up fast enough to me to get the slack out... lol is it me or the kite? lol is there anyone that would be able to lend some advise to this new beginner. 


-Kite Girl


Have you tried it from upwind of the kite? 😂 Just kidding -- couldn't resist it. I'm more into quads. I'm sure one of the dual-line experts will pop in with a solution.


i'm no expert but i have a similar but not as serious issue with an ultralight. Widow Maker. in a turtle i have to move back probly 15' to keep the lines  from getting too slack. i havent thought much about it since i can stay  ahead of it but im thinking maybe the weight of your lines overpowers the weight of the kite. try something like 50' of 50lb line to see if it helps...if the lines youre using are already that light then im stumped (for now)

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