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How to display kites


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Hello all, I tried to search, but have not found what I am looking for…Does anybody have a suggestion on how to display kites indoors?  I primarily fly 2 line sport kites from Kite Forge and Prism.  The one idea I have seen is a metal hook from the tail of the spine of the kite mounting to the ceiling.  This allows the kite to hang vertically, but upside down.  I would prefer to have the kites displayed in a more natural flight attitude.  I guess I could also run 3 lines from the ceiling connecting the nose and wingtips, but I am hoping for a more elegant solution.  I could calculate the exact center of gravity and hang the kits from there, but how to connect to the kite?  (Maybe I could use magnets).  Anyway, does anybody have any suggestions or better yet photos of their “kite wall”?  (Yep, I am onto something with the magnets).   Cheers.  

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Each you've described has places you can latch onto from behind. I'd go with the 3-point method attaching wherever needed with a simple knot you can remove if/when you want to go fly it. A single hanging line could flop around or wildly twist every time there was motion in the room from an open door, an HVAC vent, or someone walking by.

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