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Welcome LarKu

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Hello @LarKu,

Welcome to KiteLife®!

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Thanks for the kind, though automated, welcome.

I'm a bit new to kiting. My wife bought me a 4' 2-line kite a few years ago and I have dabbled with it...until this past week when we ran into the AKA convention in Ocean City, MD. Totally unexpected. I was mesmerized by the quad kites and ended up buying a rev 1.5 at their auction before we returned home... now all I need to do is find handles and a set of lines! Since I'm a noobie, I don't even know what size handle or how long I should get the line... who'da thunk string could cost so much! But I've learned a lot reading the forums today to know it's pretty special stuff, not just "string."

So here's my burning questions: what handle to get? What length for my set of lines? I see some rev 1.5 sell with 80' line, but there are just too many choices when all I want to do is learn to fly my lovely kite! 

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Common line length is anywhere from 80' to 120', in 90 lb test, LaserPro is by far the preferred brand for its strength and long term durability, good overview here:

Lots more tutorials here - http://learnkites.com 


And absolutely MUST KNOW stuff for managing your lines:


The handles you're looking for are referred to as "13 inch handles", and you should be positive they come with "leaders" (the knotted length at the top for tuning the kite's performance) as it can be a pretty rough experience without the ability to tune. Example below.


I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that my own shop Kite Forge sells both handles and line sets. :cat_angelic:

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