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at first, didn't know where I was going to post this, but imagine my facial expression when I noticed that John, our fearless Forum Meister thought to provide us with a sub-forum entirely dedicated to minature kites... :lol:

Anyways, I'd like to introduce you to one of the coolest minuture kites on the planet - Alfred "Fredl" Schwarz' Microkite!

I met him @our local Kitefest here in Vienna, Austria & I was absolutelyfloored when I saw one of his Microkites hanging from his display-tent! But get this, at first I thought it was only for mobiles, artwork, etc - but noooo, this little puppy flys & flys great!!!

Needless to say, I bought one on the spot! Took me ~1hr to get the hang of flying a dual-line delta with one hand. The lines are about 6' long, the kite itself is an indredible 10" tip-tip & is a perfect replica of a standard delta, with spreaders, stand-offs(!) & even a three-point bridle :)

Just imagine a dual-line that fits in your toiletry bag! I never go anywhere w/o this thing - attached, a few pics of me flying it ~6" above the surf @Miami Beach.

Fredl's English is quite good & last time I spoke with him, he was arranging for a U.S. distributor (Looks like he did - look here) but if you're interested, post your thoughts here & I'll make sure Fredl contacts you :)


  NOAH said:
Yes please can I get info on colors and whatis avalble :pinch:


I've asked Fredl to "stop by" the forums, so plz stay tuned! You might also want to try "locally" by contacting Miniature Kite Designs in Boston/MA, Mr. Glenn Davison: phone +1-781/937-0799 or email davisong@comcast.net

They may have some in stock & can tell you what colors are in stock, etc. Keep in mind of course that they are all handmade by Fredl himself & so don't expect to find that Boston has 100 in stock... :)

greetz from Vienna

  240zron said:

Can someone tell me how much these kites cost in U.S. dollars?

Well, 60EUR ~$70- (excl. shipping, I imagine).

That might sound like a lot for a "minature" - but each & every one are hand made, & tested by Fredl himself. If he doesn't like the way it flys, it becomes a "mobile" & is sold for a lot less - as a mobile.

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi all,

I am looking for the dual-line microkites discussed here. I have persued all the information given in this thread to no avail. Can anyone help me find out how to purchase one of these cool kites at this time? Thanks for any help you might have.



heres the contact thats on my micro kite case

Skylines Drachensport

tele+43-(0)699-1007 6880

fax =43-(0)1-4 789 365



made in Aus.

taken by it size needs a whole lot of wind to fly..like 12+and up

good luck!

I'm looking for Joann Weber mini's contact info if any body might have it

  • 3 years later...
  On 6/17/2006 at 2:47 PM, obijuankenobe said:

Found them, in case anyone is interested.

Here is the info...from Kiteslinger on FA forum:


Drachensport Skylines sports...

Hi2all :)

Long time no write, to be sure, but I have to admit I've been slacking off a bit on my kite flying... :)

I mentioned this kite in another forum and I hence came across my old thread, caught up on it and thought I'd stop by to let you all know that as far as I can tell, Alfred's no longer making kites... :unsure:

His American dealer (see link to website, above) did list one more kite in stock. I know that $90 sounds over the top, but I still have mine and it goes everywhere I go! I still highly recommend this kite so please, one of you should bite the proverbial bullet and pick up that last microkite. It may indeed really be the last one... :)

p.s. Hope the mods and vets are all grand and FWIW, I still have my all my Revolutions, HQ trick / precision kites, not to mention my all-time favorite Tim Benson Outerspace ;)

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