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:w00t: Rumor control tells me that it is very possible that there will be a 30 foot Cody at the Westport, WA. kite festival this year. I have also been informed that Dan Flintjer, the top Cody kite builder on the east coast, will be there to help with the launch of this kite. Anyone that will be in Westport for the festival, please send me pictures of the launch and flight of this kite, I can't be there but it should be something to see
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  • 2 weeks later...
:) I have it straight from the man himself, Dan Flintjer (the east coast Cody Guy) is going to be at Westport this year to help out with the launch of that 30 foot Cody, it is also my understanding that he is providing one really nice kite for the auction. If you make it to Westport and get to see the launch and flight of this kite PLEASE send me photos at codyskites@msn.com PLEASE
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I was really look forward to it... I recall Bob Anderson launching his Green's parafoil (big one) with a flight strap tied about 15' down the line... So, this intensely powerful kite launches with me suspended about 10'-12' in the air... What a ride!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
:w00t: Hey there fellas it is good to hear that web site is doing something at long last! I am purely a hobbyist kite builder at this time which means I have a full time job and build the Codys on the side, it takes at least 2 weeks to build a kite, if you order something expect me to come back with something we can do to the color design to make it really differnt from anything else I have built :sq-upsidedown:
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:blushing: ah man you embarase me. I do what I can, I will bend over backwards to build you a kite that is different from anyone elses Cody, I hate to be bored with the kite I am building. The guy that wanted the black Cody with teal stripes ended up with a kite with teal lightening bolts in the wings as well, you can almost see them if you look close. Thanks for your comments, like I say I just do what I can :blushing:
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  • 1 month later...

OK ok... so this is gonna look wierd being out of order and all.. but.... Doc and I earned our crazy cody flyin honors at wskif. woohoo. Not only that, but we also earned our top 5 vip cody pins ... So what, a little rain ya say, awww ok well so there were only 7 of us that crazy enough to stay out there, but Doc and I were the only ones set up , drenched, dripping, cold.. but it was worth it. !!!

And the blue lady kite, well, she is awsome.. so Cody, kudos to you.

hugs mousie B)

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