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SWWKA Fun Fly Sept 19th, 2004

The Kite Shoppe

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Weather permitting.....we will have our regularly scheduled 3rd Sunday of the month Fun Fly at Frenchman's bar on Sept 19th, 2004. http://www.ci.vancouver.wa.us/parks-recrea.../frenchmans.htm (south end of the park)

We start at 11am and go till.......

Potluck goodies welcome, or just bring a sandwich to tide you over, from all that flying!

Hope to see you all there!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you kindly Theresa! We'll be ready.

With regard to the forum jitters, someone registered under a bunch of different names and was posting profane, useless jibberish... I had to shut it down for a minute, clear their garbage out and ban them by IP address.

Only kicked ya'll out for half an hour or so though. :(

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Now we just have to insist on good weather, no rain...and Good Winds :(

Geeeeezzzz, don't you just love being a moderator! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....I hate that when that happens! I sure have learned a lot about IP addresses though! Always learning! :(

Catch ya later!


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I do love it... I woke up this morning and found that someone had hacked the whole forum, so I went into the RAW database and reset my password as well... I also found the code they inserted to put their "tag" across the top of the forum.

Now I feel like I'm in control... I have learned so much more (yes, more) about maintaining a web site in the last couple weeks!

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Thanks for the ride on Sunday. :unsure: I am looking forward to getting a kite up in the air, it has been toooooooooooooooo long!

It will be nice to be around friends and kites. I am putting in my request to the weather and wind goddess for an awsome day.

See you Sunday.


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Hey all! The best thing about a Fun Fly sometimes, is the Fun part!

Fly? Some of us prefer to have a bit of wind....and lacking that, I have Fun visiting, looking at what kites everybody brings, munching on the goodies, chatting, checking out more kites, sitting and chatting some more....wondering where the wind is....ejoying the beautiful scenery, watching the ships go by, visiting with good friends...Fly?...hmmmmm........

Well, Moon....at least we had no rain!!!! :sq-yingyang:

I want to thank everyone for such a great turn out yesterday! Wind or no wind, it was a great day!


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No rain was a good thing :sq-yingyang: You are right though, it is all about the FUN!!

Thanks so much for having me and I look forward to the next time. It was wonderful to hang out with some new fliers and get a kite up in the air. Even thought it was a lot of work with the wind we were given.

Guess the next time we will see each other will be Nationals and there will be a lot of kites and fun to be had there.


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Hear, hear!

I had an absolute blast yesterday... Despite running into that park bench at full speed! :sq-yingyang:

For those that weren't there... Winds were pretty light a good part of the day, so I must have thirty or so 360's over the course of the fun fly... Coming around on one of them, I wasn't looking where I was going and ran full speed and smack dab into a picnic table!

Yuk yuk... I'm okay, but real sore today... O-U-C-H!

I heartily recommend looking where you're going when you do 360s... LOL!

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That is something I will keep in mind when I figure out how to do a 360.

#1 Watch for park benches

#2 Watch for trees

Maybe next time I will have to hve you teach me how to pull one of those off. On shorter lines might be a little easier for me. Also I will wear some padding :sq-yingyang:

On a serious note, hope that you are okay today. How does the bruise look?

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I'm walking a little like a cowboy today... Definitely sore and tight.

You know, it's funny... As I was nursing my wounds I realized that I could do an article on the dynamics and techniques of light wind flying for both dual line and quad line in an upcoming issue of Kitelife! I don't remember seeing anything like that done in recent years, and it would probably find an eager audience. :sq-yingyang:

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Well John, we had vowed to keep the kite fliers secret handshake and not mention a word about the alleged, forementioned picnic table, but since you brought it up... hope you are OK! We were however so impressed with your skill removing that UL Shiva from the kite eating tree without a scratch, we were going to mention that! :sq-yingyang:

All in all it was a great day, new friends, great conversation, wonderful time! Thanks to Moon and yourself for coming, you are always welcome!

Theresa has started talking to Avia about Team TKS, waiting for Kurt to get back to her.


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Nice to hear that the ball is rolling. I am really EXCITED about the possibilities. I thought that we could be Theresa's Angels, but that might not work if I am the only girl :unsure:

I look forward to flying with all of you again soon. I had a wonderful time. I am also curious of what kind of tricks Johnny has up his sleeves for next time :sq-yingyang:

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