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The annual "Up Your Wind" Festival put on by Hi-Flyers Kite Shop at Pacific Beach, WA was as usual, FANTASTIC!! Scott and Laurel Hedin did a great job hosting the event. The weather was kind to us, giving us nice winds (but overcast) on Saturday. The ground displays were awesome. The dinner/raffle was a real hoot. Great food and lots of raffle items to be had. And especially, all the fun flyers and friends to share a lot of laughs with. Sunday was sunny and clear, winds were light, for me, the light winds were GREAT!

Tom Tinney with his miniature kites (he also did kites for kids) and I (giving Rev lessons) were the featured flyers. We were both kept busy. I didn't have many newbie's. Most Rev flyers there are people I have taught in the past at various festival and were needing more advanced lessons. Or wanting to show me what they have learned since last year. And of course wanted to show off their new Rev additions. It is heartwarming to be greeted by so many people that are excited and enthusiastic about being brought into the "Revolution Family". And thankful too. It was very humbling.

This past year has been personally difficult for me. I had a few doubts about my self worth, abilities and contributions. All this year I was not able to be as involved in kiting as I have been for the last 15 years. But attending the "Up Your Wind" festival confirmed my worth as a Revolution flight instructor. The reception I got when I arrived lifted that dark vail that has crippled me these past months. To be greeted by so many people that expressed thanks and gratitude was so healing. It helped me to remember that I am not only a great rev flyer, but I am also a great teacher. And I thank Revolution for giving me the opportunity and encouragment to accomplish this. For this I will be forever grateful.

My thanks to Hi-Flyers Kite Shop for asking me back again to give lesson at this event. I am proud to represent Revolution at their event again this year and I will be there next year. Scott and Laurel are the best! Hope to see some new faces there next year.

"Keep on Rev-ing"


For those Northwest flyers: Check out the beach at Pacific Beach, WA. It is one of the best places to fly without the crowds.



Many of us have known for years now just how valuable you were as a person, and a kite flyer... :unsure: It feels so good to have you back where you really belonged all along. You have been greatly missed. Welcome home lady!



Thank you Charly :mellow:

Sometimes when its dark, its hard to see the path. And it's great friends that help to light the way. Thanks for your light. I have had a lot of light in my life these past few weeks. My futures so "Bright", I gotta wear shades! :):sq-yingyang::(:unsure:

See you in Orting?

Love ya



:) Hugs to ya ! I had no doubt for a minute that you are one of the best!!!!!

Funny how those of us going through stuff head to the kites.. Even those of us who dont know what we are doing.. there is a sort of peace that comes along with it... and then, as a complete surprise to me, the bonus of meeting so many wonderful people.. like you , and welll sheesh I will be here all day if i even try.

Glad that things are going well ...

I personally plan on flying for hours on end at Lincoln..... :mellow: Tells ya where I am at huh? :sq-yingyang::unsure:

big hugs from da mousie


Hey Mousie!!

Good to hear from you! Your comments were so nice. :mellow:

Since I don't compete and I am not really known, it's nice that you consider me a good flyer. Being "known" has never been important to me, (but it is nice to hear that my ablities as a flyer have been noticed, thanks.) What has been important to me is that people "remember" REVOLUTION. People may not remember my name after a lesson, but they do remember the fun they are having with their new Rev's. That's what it's about for me. I love those new flyers! Reminds me of "the days back when". I feel the pride of a parent when I watch the many awesome Rev fliers these days. We've come a long way, baby!

I wore my glow ears a couple of nights ago, and I thought of you. :sq-yingyang:

Sorry that I will not be seeing you at Lincoln City. :unsure:

"Wrist and Thumbs"


Hugs to Conner and you too.

  • 3 weeks later...


Was just cruising around and found this thread......HAD to pull it. It was absolutely great being able to spend time with you at Pac Beach. Seems every year, I get to meet the coolest people on the beach.

Count yourself among them!

Tom T.


Hey Tom!! :D:):)

Isn't this festival the best? It is a festival to meet or make new friends in a easy, relaxed, beautiful environment. It is truely a place to enjoy our sport like no other. If "Peace" is what is needed at the end of the season, Pacific Beach is the Pacific Northwests version of a kite flyers "PARADISE."

Good to see you there again this year. :D

Keep in touch


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