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Old Kite Clubs

Box Boy

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I am just wondering does anyone remember an east coast kite club by the name of G.D.V.K.S. (Greater Delaware Valley Kite Society), who was the owner/editor of the club?

Another club at that time located in Glendale, CA. was the ABCD Kite Club, who was the owner/editor of this club?

Both of these kite clubs operated in the early to mid 1990's, both had members but never operated as a group at any kite festivals that I know of.

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This is just one of those things that got stuck in my head the other night and I could not forget about. The ABCD Kite Club was fairly small and may not have been that well known at the time. The G.D.V.K.S., I thought, was fairly well known, I don't know what year the editor went to work for Kite Lines. I have done a little quick looking at Kite Line mags here but I think it is one those things where the guys name is going to have to jump out at me to be found.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi Rick! Good to see you are alive and well! Your British Cody club buddies were looking for you...

ROBIN in Colorado

I am just wondering does anyone remember an east coast kite club by the name of G.D.V.K.S. (Greater Delaware Valley Kite Society), who was the owner/editor of the club?

Another club at that time located in Glendale, CA. was the ABCD Kite Club, who was the owner/editor of this club?

Both of these kite clubs operated in the early to mid 1990's, both had members but never operated as a group at any kite festivals that I know of.

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