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Ah..Yes...It is "soooo" great to be a member of a forum that has this heading:

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Anything and everything that doesn't fit anywhere else... Oddballs and all!.....(thank you Kitelife)



YES!! ------That’s Right--------“KITE-ARIANISM!!”--------------------

I have just formed a new religion! And, as of now, I am a Kite-arian…as a matter of fact, I believe, I’m probably the first ever Kite-arian!!

You might say, “Well, kiting has been around a long time before you showed up!” Yes, that’s true, but “I” put a “name” on it. And that’s all the really big boys (and gals?!?!) really did. Take Moses, Elijah, Mohammed, Christ, Buddha (and whoever else)…the Truth was there a long time before they ever showed up too, but they put “names” on it and gave directions to follow.

I suppose it is actually a “new” religion in some respects, because it has no dogma or verbal belief system and it doesn’t expect money from you every time you show up. You can yell out “DAMN IT” or “LAUGH” out loud anytime you like, which I could never do in other religions (and get away with it…heehee). So I suppose it’s more of a spiritual group than a formal religion, but we’ll call it a religion anyway, because I go kiting “religiously!!”

And what makes it a religion?

Well, it has all the basics of any other religion, which is worth its salt!

Deep within each of us is a place of Absolute Truth…a place of silence, purity, freedom, happiness and love…”That’s our True Self”. And "all" religions try to lead people “there” by many different methods…but common to them all is: to detach from worldly concerns…to quiet one’s mind or fully concentrate on something other than ourselves…….and be open to “Experience!”


Ever Fly a Kite? If you have you've been practicing all of the above , you have been practicing “KITE-ARIANISM” (it's that natural in kiting) and you are a “KITE-ARIAN”, but probably just never knew it, until now!!

It's sort of like a "Holy Trinity" between the Material Form (the earth and ourselves)...the Sky (god)...and the Kite (the connection or spirit between the two)....and of course the "Wind"...that's the Element of Grace.

And the directions in this new religion are very simple: "Go Fly a Kite!!"

LITS, (Love In The Spirit)


PS Thanks for giving this “Oddball” a place to post.

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It's sort of like a "Holy Trinity" between the Material Form (the earth and ourselves)...the Sky (god)...and the Kite (the connection or spirit between the two)....and of course the "Wind"...that's the Element of Grace.

That is truth there my friend. Absolute and beautiful truth. ;) I've thought that since the first day I flew, but never verbalised it to anyone other than my Wife (being as she was a little tiffed that I was kiting SO much). I explained it in a very similar way:

Firstly, I've always had a fascination with anything that flew. Kiting came into my life at a very late age. I never even flew single lines when I was a child.

When I raise my kite into the air, the world becomes silent save my breath and heart -- time ceases to exist, and therefore stops. I feel serenity (NOW!!!) and tranquility. I feel connected to myself and the earth and the universe in a way which I have never felt before. Harnessing one of the worlds most abundant and wonderful power sources, Wind, and in turn, harnessing the earth and life and matter itself.

Cheers :)



Hear hear. :)

No...you should say, "See...See". Remember I'm almost totally deaf! (heehee!! That's funny!)

Keep It Up!



That's funny, Kitelife!

(just having fun with you, I wouldn't have it any other way today, even if I could. When one loses one of their senses "sometimes" they are given something very special in return).


But, Guess What?!?!

YES!! After about 4 months (from an expected 4 weeks), my sweet "Serenity" (Nirvana SE STD) arrived today!!

The box was crushed almost flat, with a gouge through the box at my name and address, (so someone hand wrote it again to the side) and it had a round 4" indentation with blue paint marks from whatever hit it and it had about a 8" round oil soaked area at about center. (I sent my condolences to Mike at The Great Canadain Kite Company for his Canadian Postal Service).......with a heavy heart, I picked up this crumbled cardboard container and walked real fast to the parking lot to open it and inspect the damage, I couldn't wait to get home...but, there she was and SHE WAS OK! "Serenity" survived the Canadian Postal Service!! And when I got home "Destiny" (Nirvana SE UL...her custom colored twin) was soooo happy to see her! We all danced and celebrated together!!


This was certainly a once in a lifetime purchase, (unless I want to go on food stamps), but now I have all I will need to carry with me into my "Golden Years"!

My Dad told me that the "Golden Years"..."Aren't all they are cracked up to be"...and that was true for him, but then he didn't fly kites or have "Destiny" and "Serenity" in his arms!!!

Keep It Up!



Note: I was informed that my experience with the Canadian Postal Service was very rare and in fact most of the mail arrives on time, often ahead of time, and with no damage whatsoever.

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Note: I was informed that my experience with the Canadian Postal Service was very rare and in fact most of the mail arrives on time, often ahead of time, and with no damage whatsoever.

The CDN postals must have been eating canadian bacon slathered in maple syrup before handling your kite. Perhaps thats why it was squished flat -- gotta have a place to cut the bacon and spread the syrup eh?


heheh I can make fun, because Im canadian. heheh


That's Good Jon!!

And I thought you were really looking for some big trouble...heehee....glad you added you are Canadian!! (sorry 'bout that though!!) heehee!

I told Mike at The Great Canadian Kite Company (who's really a great guy, he was suffering with me through this) what I posted...heehee....this is part of his response:

LOL! It never fails... when things go wrong, they really go wrong! Not only were we sent the wrong kite, with a way longer production and transit time than we were told and a beat up box but to add to it... we have the entire fiasco laid out in all its glory on the AKA and Kitelife forum! Just my luck LOL! We have shipped hundreds of kites, many to the USA without a hitch and this makes it public!

He's a good sport, and I have to laugh, it's all funny now.....(now that my Serenity is home safe). heehee

Keep It Up!



Hi Kitelife,

Yeah...I really enjoyed working with Mike, and he made sure I got exactly what I wanted. (Even sent me pictures and diagrams to make sure everything was completely understood.) And inspite of the delays and problems we encountered, which I believe to be no fault of his, in the end everything was just right! If I have any big time buys again, like this last one, I would certainly return to him to do business...he can be trusted to get the ordered fill...no matter what!

Keep It Up!


PS That's Mike at "The Great Canadian Kite Company!" (There's some free advertising on Kitelife for Mike...maybe he will come back on board with us...I'd like that!)


Well We Did It! My "Serenity" (Nirvana SE STD) took to the air today!

The kite is sooo smooth flying and very responsive. Of course the greatness of this kite is very humbling, and certainly wasted on me right now, but I think I will be able to grow toward her potential as time goes on. One thing at least I know for sure now...if the kite doesn't do tricks it isn't the kites fault!!

Hey...Check out my new "avatar"...I call it my "Family Portrait!" No false humility here!! In the kiting circle I believe the motto is..."If you got it flaunt it!!

I wanted to get the "Family Portrait" shot from the air, like those I've read about taking pictures from their kites! That's really cool stuff! But the wind wasn't strong enough for the kite to lift my wife off the ground with the camera! (We need a lot more wind or she's gotta lose a little weight! heehee!)

Keep It Up!



I don't know how to put a picture on a post, (I'll look into it), but check this out!!


I sent the AKA my design and picture for a "T" shirt.

And ...It Made It!

My "Wild Fire" Quantum...She is Famous!!


"Today a "T" Shirt---Tomorrow the WORLD!"

(Of course, to be closer to the Truth it should read: "All Life Comes From the Sea of Consciousness", but that's to awkward and few would know what I was talking about.)

Keep It Up!



Hi Kitelife,

HEY!! I figured it out and was able to post pics of my Nirvana UL & STD. I only took pictures of the one because they are idenical twins, (except for the frame weight, connectors and the thicker reinforces ripstop on the Standard).


Yes, I supposed it's a bit unusual for a Nirvana to look like a stained glass window, but I want my loves to look as pretty as they can when we go out together! heehee!

Keep It Up!


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