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If I have to read another slanted review on a New Tech Kite I think I will be sick! This is getting old!!!

If you don't like the kite before you even get the kite, then you can't write a review. Don't make us read between the lines of your slanted review as you try to make it appear that you are giving this kite a fair shot.

Did it not ever occur to you that we flew the kite too?

How dumb can you be?

After poring through the mile long Big Bang review here, I am pissed off! We are not ready to write our own review yet, but we have gathered information and facts I know to be true are totally wrong in the Big Bang review here.

The reviewer here said that he adjusted the bridle of the Big Bang to his taste (That must be high winds, but we were not told that). Later the reviewer tells us that the kite will only trick in winds of 8mph or better. I believe something to the effect of -you can trick in lower winds, but it's not easy- was said... Oh yea... This guy said that he took off ALL OF THE WEIGHTS.

I'm just going to tell you straight up... Our Big Bang (with all of the weights and bridle set for low wind) not only flew in wind I could not feel, or fly my Quantum in; The Big Bang was tricking with ease.

Don't get me wrong I did get some time in the air with the Quantum. Enough to pull off some axles, axle take-offs and fades from ground. The Big Bang was in the air the whole time and pulling off more tricks than I could keep tract of.

Now I know I'm going to get slammed here by all of the loyalists of KiteLife and prism. I know all the haters are just loving this too, but facts are facts and its time a reviewer answers for making false statements in a kite review.


Just incase anyone is wondering... I wouldn’t trade my Quantum for anything. I only wish it had been my first kite and I think it should be everyone’s first kite.


Big Bang



You can say GWTW here, we're not biased when it comes down to it.

Well, while I acknowledge your views... We asked a number of fliers (who had not flown it before) to rate the Big Bang based purely on what they read in the review, and we got an average 75-80 out of 100 back from them.

I'm not sure what you read "between the lines", but Brent seemed to give a fair review of the kite... Stating when all was said and done that it is a very solid kite, particularly for the price.

The key with reviews, they're done by individuals... And are for consumption of the reader, take it or leave it.

I have to say that my initial reaction to your posting put me off a bit, simply because as a publisher, I take great lengths to ensure that everything and everyone is treated fairly... It seemed to me that you were saying our views are slanted. We don't do reviews... However, we do recruit known and respected fliers to convey their personal experiences with a kite into reviews for us.

At this point, New Tech is simply not marketing "top of the line" high end kites... Everything they produce at this time is at a very reasonable price point, and are all solid kites for the money. You will not however, see their kites winning top three in competition just yet... Dodd clearly isn't tailoring his designs to that market at the current time.


What we seem to have here is a difference in opinion.

You have yours and the reviewer has theirs. Both have the right to be respected. No need to be angered over things that are not in your control. Remeber what we compare opinions to...... we all have them and they all stink :)


I knew someone was going to try the old "That's your opinion" BS, but I'm talking about facts here. The fact is this kite was tricking in winds lighter than I could feel.

Not just some tricks. Eddie ran it through his whole gauntlet of tricks.

Oh and by the way that old quote (you quoted) must have been spouted off by some one who just wanted to have his own voice heard (only). I happen to be one who promotes the voicing of opinions, because I know we can all learn from them, but we can't learn from are people who just go around regurgitating old quotes because they think they will get a slam-dunk. You already have an A#H* Now you just need your own opinion.


Mario, you say you "voice the opinions of others"... But always end up stating your opinions as absolute fact without asking others in a forum what they thought of something before attacking the people you hold at fault.

That makes it your opinion.

Nevermind constructive criticism!

It's not your opinion I actually have a problem with, it's your delivery.

Rude attacks rarely solve anything, and merely inflame the people actually trying to do the work that other people can share in.

So... Let me be the one:

To all readers, what is your honest opinion of the Big Bang review?

As you've seen, we are genuinely interested in viable critique.


Where did I say I voice the opinions of others?

I said "I Promote the voicing of opinions" (I would like it if every one spoke their own mind). New thoughts Fresh ideas.

But all of that has nothing to do with changing FACT. Fact is fact not opinion, yours or mine. Get that through your head.


As for my honest opinion of the review... Well most of it is above, but just to be clear I would like to say that "reading between the lines" is this: As the writer tell of adjusting the bridle in one line and in another line tells how the kite will only trick in higher winds... You have to guess that the bridle adjustment was to the higher wind setting (because he did not say).

Good point:

He spent two weeks with the kite. Although he had just a week with the kite through most of the review it is 6days and 23hrs more than most of the reviewer I have read. I really liked that. Eddie and I spend a month or more with our kites before a review is written.


Well since we are all getting to spout opinions here, then I guess it's my turn...

First off Mario... Why is it that you are bringing up an issue that has been long hashed out in other places and in other forums? Your issues and questions have been answered multiple times with every opinion possible in the kiting world. If you are at GWTW how did you miss it?

Second... In my opinion, everyone has their own opinion... I very much dislike a kite that is the rage of the rest of the world, why? Because I don't like the way it flies, and I don't want to like it... Does that keep it from being everyone else's favorite and kicking my behind everytime I fly against it in comps?... Nope, ya know why? Because it's not the kite that makes the flyer, I have seen people's clocks cleaned by a punk kid and an E2 of all things. Just because I don't like it doesn' mean I don't respect it.

Third... I have read the review and it was pretty straight up and fair and it's your opinion that there is something between the lines because you have a kite that nobody else really seems to like. I understand that feeling, I've been there but it's not your place to decide what's between the lines or put anybody at fault but yourself. You need to accept the absolute fact that the kite was designed to be an entry to mid level freestyle flyer that is intended to go head to head with the popular E2 and appeal to the masses of casual flyers, and will never live up to the scrutiny of the very experienced flyers that end up reading the reviews and the opinions voiced in these forums. The fact of the matter is The Kite Shoppe has sold exactly zero and we have had exactly zero inquiries or requests for it. That's nothing against Dodd, New Tech or the Bang itself, but there is no opinion, or reading between the lines in exactly zero.

If you think the Bang is all that and a bag of chips, by all means revell in your accomplishments, when it kicks my behind where it counts on the field, I might be right behind you, I doubt very much that will happen, but you never know, you or your buddy just might do it.

Lastly... I have seen your site and the kites you review, which gives me a frame of reference on where you're at, and in all honesty, I respect Brent's opinion more than yours. You need to live by the words prefaced on your front page because you're not even close to livin it. You ask for the truth, (which Brent did in his opinion), and when you actually get it, you can't swallow it. If you spout the ability to accomplish the goals that you think you can, you need to learn some lessons about diplomacy, grammer, respect and how to accept opinions, pro or con, because you're not going to get honesty with the way you're doing it now.

Your New Years resolution should be to do something good for the kite world... Earn some respect (as Brent has), and learn to express your opinions the best way you possibly can.

But... That's just my opinion.



I cant believe all this started because someone could trick a kite that someone else could not! <_<

To those that could trick this kite... Good job! To those that cannot... Fly another!

Earlier and in another catagory someone said, "Does anyone talk kites in here anymore?" Well folks, here ya go! ...and look how it is causing all sorts of bad feelings.

:) it's just opinions people.

just my 2 cents.


To The Kite Shoppe

Offering New Tech Kites would just make it too easy to buy them right?

First: I took to your forum because of the GWTW garbage. I only post in the Dodd area now at GWTW. I have 16 webs. Only two get vandalized the same way all of the time. MAD KITERS msn and MAD KITERS. My members don't need to be bothered with those child’s games.

You are right. As I have said, I read between the lines to get 2+2=4.

Example: The bridle adjustment... To where? The adjustment he likes.

Then we read him go on to say (later) that the kite will only trick in winds of 8mph and up.

You have to guess that the bridle was adjusted for higher wind.

If you are saying that you believe him over me I can understand, but there will be no doubt after the Kite Party if we can find some light winds.

Tricks and comp.

If you can't win over me, you really have some problems.

Even after I get a full bag of tricks going for me, I think I will be flying for fun.

Our reviews:

We review our kites. The kites we have owned. The types of kites we have owned really say that much about us?


Is for everyone to write reviews. In no way shape or form do we think we are the best of review writers. We just write a simple review for a new kiter who might not have any other source to provide them with the basic info. on a kite. I write about the kite as much as I can and I write about how it makes me feel when I fly it.

I think that is a better review to a new pilot, but I have noticed some things missing from my reviews and I plan to include more info. on future kites.

The truth:

Big Bang tricks in winds I can hardy feel.

I only wish I could get the Quantum to do the same, or have perfect winds all of the time.

I know... Grammar Grammar Grammar!


Llama Guy... point taken :)

Mario... You are more than welcome at our forum but bring constructive criticism and valid points. What you started on this forum with your post is exactly where GWTW goes bad.

As far as New Tech goes... Nobody wants em... First we can't get them, then when we do, we can't give em away. We have had a Dynamite on sale at 50% off for almost two years which is below wholesale cost by quite a bit. It's so old now, we're gonna end up scavaging the rods. It's not worth the effort to build a page for them. Like I said nobody has ever even inquired.

And you still don't get it... It's not about the kites... It's about the attitude and the community... I commend and applaud your efforts on a website to generate a kiting community, that's what kiting needs, and if you were doing it right we would link your website. But you are generating the haters, you don't have an open mind and can't accept criticism on one of your favorite kites. With that attitude there is no purpose for what mad kiters is trying to do, or even exist... and to a certain degree, no matter how good your intentions are, it's hurting the sport and the community.

There is nothing wrong with being loyal to a manufacturer, I'm loyal to a couple but I'm not gonna follow the detractors around and tell them how wrong they are. "Fly what you like and like what you fly", leave everyone else to figure out what they like. Express your opinion and suggestions, but don't get so torqued out of shape when the majority doesn't agree with you because it's different for every person. I don't even tell people what my favorite kite is anymore for two reasons. One... I don't want their opinion, and two... I might change my mind tomorrow.

I am not a hater, and I don't mean to be harsh, but the community is small enough that people like you can make a difference, and as high and mighty as your website claims you can be, you can do more damage than good.

I don't mean to preach... and I am not the utmost authority... Just tired of seeing it done badly... and with the effort and energy you seem to have towards the sport, I know you can do it better. :)

Happy New Year



Did someone poop in mad's Xmas stocking or what?

What happened to peace..& good will towards dual line flyers.lol

Happy Holidays All!

Good Winds



Mike you made me laugh and I'm not being sarcastic.



The Big Bang is Eddies kite. You should have been around to shut me up when I was going off about my Firecracker. I won't go into that now, but I will tell you that I wish I had known about your Dynamite before I got mine.

At Christmas time I did buy 5 kites. The Big Bang was not on that list.

I know you think I am defending this kite because I have the hots for it, but I am just doing it because I think it is the right thing to do. If you have been to my web, then you should know this.

I understand that I might be loosing the ability to link up with your web or even others out there, however, I am more concerned right now with linking webs like yours to MAD KITERS as I link to webs of any kind. I hope to attract some new people to the sport. People who would not otherwise search for kites, but could become interested if they see our link.

Oh... I am working on the pages. The word Venders will be changed to Vendors.



If I had not been so angry about the Big Bang review (found here) that in my opinion was slanted, maybe I could have worded things better and... No we would still have the same thread. LOL.

:) WOW! You guys have something going on that I never concidered. When I first started flying kites the stunters where the Hawiian, the Hyper, Trylby and Flexafoil. Single line fliers didn't like two line pilots but the two line pilots seemed to be able to get along with everyone else, now it seems that most everyone gets along with everyone else (unless you are someone that builds Codys and then you dont get along with anyone) but you guys are telling me that daul line pilots cant get along with each other????? Think I will go back to my Codys, much less stress there, either you can build them or you cant, if you cant let me show you where to go to find out how! :)
If I had not been so angry about the Big Bang review (found here) that in my opinion was slanted, maybe I could have worded things better and... No we would still have the same thread. LOL.

This smoothes things out nicely for me... I value everyone's input, and only object to the casual way so many people speak roughly or convey themselves to each other with angst these days. Everything important should be considered, from all perspectives while at the same time maintaining your own.

This approach simply opens to door for people to listen, and take the information for what it's worth to them.

At the end of the day, we're talking about the same thing here... It's a matter of presentation, always.



Although I think we can all agree that I started this thread on the wrong foot, I have seen some discussions on forums that are just for the purpose of making people feel bad... No information about any subject. Just one person feeding off of what someone-else had said in the reply before. (Who can be funnier as they all feed on one person that did not agree with them).

They call the one who writes something out of line with what everyone else is saying A TROLL. I call it free speech and I call all of the others piranha.



I thought I said it the same way in the original posting, but I guess it was hard to see, because of how angry I was about this.

The only thing missing are the () marks.


Oh... ok. I see. I seem to have left out the word [found] as in {found here}.

I know how you do things here, but I also know that not everyone knows that. It was my responsibility to be clearer in that area. For that I am sorry.


The only reference that comes to mind is a diplomat who also gets things accomplished... David Gomberg is a great example.

A surprising majority of people "dump out" what's on their mind without formatting in such a way that it best hits home for every reader... For me, posting on a forum is like sipping wine... I swish it around in my mouth, I spit it out, I taste it again, until it finally tastes right and might be appreciated and understood by the largest number of readers - regardless of whether or not they agree.

I never thought you were truly being spiteful, just a bit raw in context (which you have gracefully acknowledged). :)

As for a Trole/Troll... It is definitely not the same as free speech (no reference to you here), trolling is a bit like turrets syndrome... Just blurting, without a real goal... Just spouting for any number of reasons... Personal angst, desire for attention, a clumsy need to be a part of something, or being just plain mean for the sake of being mean.

While the way you presented it threw people off (myself included), I don't think anyone here could say that you didn't believe in what you were saying. :)

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