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Indoor Buka Plans


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:) I am new to this forum and I saw Paul Berard flying a large indoor buka in a gym. I was looking for some plans to make one. This one was made of Orcon and had solid carbon rods. It was maybe 15 inches by maybe 10 inches. Would any of you have plans or ideas on how to make the sail and bridle? Or could you point me to some existing plans. Much appreciative!
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:) Thanks, so much for the great Buka plans. I had seen the first Buka one, but I loved the Giant Buka plan. You are right, it has a great amount of detail. I had seen Andy's no sew before in Kiting magazine, but I copied it out, too for reference. I loved the kite plans on Stan's Toys and got sidetracked by the Junebug. They had different formats like A1, etc.. Can anyone tell me where to get the programs that drive them and whether they are shareware or freeware?
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I'm not much help, but I would suggest emailing Pauly for the plans. He's great about sending that info on. I don't have his email at work, but could find it if you need it, or you might go to the kone web page to find him. Tell him I send my hello's.. oh, and I'd suggest making his stack of no-sew indoor diamond kites.



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:P Hi, Penny

I already did ask him for the plans. His response was that he would lend me the kite that inspired him to make his kite. :D It may be that he doesn't have plans made up or he doesn't really want to share his exact design, which is understandable, to have something unique.

When I made a version of his indoor fighter (diamond variety), I noticed he left out some of the details of the plan. I think he likes to see how a person makes the kite, without those steps. In fairness, afterwards, he gave me some pointers on how to make it better and tuned it for me. Or maybe, he just wants to see if someone has enough interest to make it. :)

I just wanted some specifics on the size, rods he used, and bridle measurements. The rest I could muddle through on my own.

Is it the tiny stack of white diamond kites on a pole that he flies you are interested in? Must be much more to it than meets the eye. I love how he flies in close and past the noses of the kids in the stands. Fun to watch him at indoor New Years Eve in Newport.

:( Thanks to all for the helpful comments and sources.


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Your welcome. Paul must not have the plans. His rule is if it's not simple he won't make it.

he sent me the plans for the diamonds and we made them in our PCKA club. Lots of fun. Little two year olds can fly them if they can carry a banner. We did. :)

Good luck, enjoy.. Everyone have a good weekend,



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Hi, Penny and All Indoor-ers. Nice weather coming up to be indoors B)

I did get a message from Pauly. He must have sensed me talking about him. His kite is 30 x 20 inches and uses .089/.080 carbon rods. So, Tom's Toys Gentle Giant should be about right.

:wub: Thanks to all for comments, plans, and replies.

I think I am going to put a big snowflake on a blue nylon sail, when I make it.

Best of discoveries to each of you, Jim

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