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Long Beach Kite Festival in August


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Hi all. I am going to the Long Beach Kite Festival the third week of August and was wondering if anyone would be willing to meet me there and teach me some tricks. I have a video, but it is hard to learn from. I would consider myself an intermediate, but only get to fly every six months or so so I don't get to practice much. i will be working on stalls and some of the very basic tricks, unless I learn fast. :( I have a New Age, Phoenix and am going to get a Phantom Elite UL. I am broke because not many families want babysitters these days, but can pay ten dollars if this would be encouraging. :) Thanks! pm me for my email.

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Hi, Sounds like you hadn't tried the quads yet? I would charge...... nothing to give you a revolution quad lesson at Long Beach. ;)

Then you know what it's all about.. all about the :) control. B :( rakes, reverse :) and speed control. You can fly duals and quads and enjoy both.

Hope to see you at Long Beach. Hey, you might double check the dates. There was some controversy at our last meeting about the dates. :o

Best breezes,


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Yup, Aug. 15-21. www.kitefestival.com

Indoor-No Wind Kite Flying Wed. and Thurs.

Fighter Kite flying all week.

Every day fun events and multiple color in the sky. Each day the sky changes it's looks because kitemakers have to many kites to put them all up! Find Sam and Ann Houston and ask them about the kites on top of their refrigerator. Their my favorites. :( Oh.. train day is my favorite.. trains across the dunes and over the town. Red/Wh/Blu day.

Long Beach International Kite Festival or Washington State International Kite Festival "WSIKF"

Elephant ears, terriyaki tuna, chicken fajitas, more food smells then you can imagine. :) Kite stores, hats, glass, stoneware, there are a plethora of retail vendors. A charming town with pubs within walking distance and a wide selection of food. Oh and the most beautiful and largest collection of kite earrings availabel anywhere! ok.. Ok.... Ok... I'm back... I just went there! You will love it.

I want to say more, but I have things to do. Where are you from flying fish?

Sorry, I got side tracked. You will :) LOVE Long Beach!



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