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It looks like an old Skyburner, but I could be wrong. The tail is a 100' tube tail, looks like about 3" or 4" in diameter. Any robust, full sized duallie will perform like that. A Prism Hypnotist, Quantum, or QPro would be good choices. Also, the 20mph wind seems to help !

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Do you think this might be the tail?


"We also supply custom colored three inch diameter tubes in a 100 foot length. These are ideal tails for sport kite"sky writing". The cost is $75."

I ordered a 100 foot skywriter ribbon from Gomberg today. I'm thinking about ordering the 100 foot 3 inch tube in custom colors to match my Delta Hawk.


ohh thats nice i do like me some good tails. been looking for a good tube tail. i couldnt find that tail on the gomberg link.


It's there, Matt. You gotta scroll a ways down and look carefully. It took me a while to find it, too. It has a little video next to it.

BTW, I think the kite might be a Skyburner Wahoo.


The Gomberg one is $75 and you get to choose the colors, but you have to wait about 6 weeks for it to be made, if I understand correctly.

I'd be reluctant to buy that premiere tail without knowing the diameter, and I can't find anywhere that lists it. I got a large dimeter Gomberg snake and I think it is too big for skywriting. Gomberg sell the 3 inch diameter tube for skywriting, so that is what I've decided I'd like to get.


we shell see if my jam session can handle the tail. if not i can toss it on a larger foil. i do like the big tails.

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