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Because of the venting this kite does not pull as much even in higher winds. The 90 pounds or 100 pound lines should be fine.

As for frames 3 wrap or green race would be preferred. Four wrap only for really heavy wind. I have read where people have tried black race frames in their full vent for medium to light wind.

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I only use a 4 wrap in extreme cases, but you may need it more, if the only thing for high wind you have is a f/v!! Just watch the LE bend, if you're comfortable with how it looks, then keep flying! If it looks too bent, switch! Myself, I switch sails before frames, most of the time!! Nice thing about variety in your sails!!

PS: that's why they made an x/v, to handle BIG winds!! :ani_idea:

On the line issue - always flown on the 90# sets so far!! 30+ mph!! On an x/v!!

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I agree, #90 will be fine. Fly mostly on your 3 frame, if it bends excessively, put in the 4 frame. It will handle it. Yes, the "wear and tear" on the sail is greater than going to an XTRA but that's what was done before the XTRA was made.

AND if your Vtd is bending excessively after you put in the 4 frame, slide a 3 leading edge into the LE pocket.

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Thanks, Amexpmh, Wayne and SR!

We currently each have a standard and mid vent Rev and are using black race frames in the standard and 3 wrap in the mid vent. We have a spare 3 wrap and black race frame.

We are going to Long Beach for John's clinic and figured we'd be 'off the beach' if the wind ramped up past the limits of the mid vent so may be buying a full vent. I guess I'll snag a 4 wrap with that kite for BIG wind and we also have the spare 3 wrap along.

Still pretty green in our flying, but we both prefer the 'perceived'??? smoothness of the mid vent and go to it when at all possible.

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How much of a difference would it make if you have a Mid Vent B, in using a 4 wrap versus using an SLE leading edge ( which I already have) for stronger winds? In other words, is the SLE that much stiffer than a 4 wrap?


Considering the ID of an SLE - yes, much stiffer than any of the wrap frames of 1/4"!! Thing has almost no bend at all! At least the 4 wrap 1/4" flexes some!!

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