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WTB: Full Size 'Second' Sport Kite

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Hello All

I've been starting out learning some low altitude manoeuvres with a Flying Wings Beetle (moves like the 'lawn-dart', and one I call 'negative clearance')..

Would like to move on.

I did manage something that looked vaguely like a half axel with the Beetle today, but I have the impression that a larger kite might be easier to learn on (given that I am doing my best to not treat it like a remote controlled shovel any more).

Wanted to shake the bushes here and see what kites people had kicking around, perhaps no longer flew often, and might be interested in transforming into some bucks.

You might laugh at some items on the list, as they are probably keepers that people are unlikely to sell, but you never know.

My wish list

- Premier Freestylist

- Premier Widow

- Premier Wolf

- JoE Talon

- Blue Moon Mantis

- Blue Moon Muse

- R-Sky Nirvana SE

- Benson DS (haven't read as much about this one)

- Skyburner WidowMaker

I live on the north side of Lake Ontario and have access to 'beach like' winds, but generally the wind is pretty low here (4 - 7 mph? and lower) and can often be gusty when it gets stronger.

(note: I have a shipping address in Buffalo, so don't let customs hassles worry you if you are in the USA)

Would like to learn tricks in addition to just zinging gracefully around, but expect that I might continue to occasionally have unplanned contact with the ground so would like something that is relatively easy to get parts for, and maintain.

Please let me know if you have any of the above or others that you think might work and you're willing to part with.


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Now have a 'low wind' Zephyr from Hyzakite AND a 'regular wind' Widow from Tkrinor.

Guess I am set for all conditions now and won't ever have to buy another kite.....


I agree Ha! They are like rabbits...seem to multiply rapidly in the closet.

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