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First time out with symphony beach 2.2


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Got my previously referenced impulse buy symphony beach 2.2 and as luck would have it we had 10-13 mph winds. So took it out with 20yo stepson and all I can say is wow. What fun. Wasn't sure how I'd like kiting since my previous experience with kiting in my childhood involved running while dragging a paper diamond behind me wondering why the heck people think this is supposed to be fun! we had a couple crashes but thats the main reason I wanted a parafoil...didn't want to smash a frame while trying to get feel for it. But we both picked it up quick and were soon keeping it up in air and flying figure 8s and leaning into it. When the gusts come up and your swinging it through the center you really get a fun pull....i like the physicality of it as well as the steering / flying aspect. It was super fun...we both flew until we were tired. I can see how this sport is addicting. Hearing it rip through the air, the heavy pull, the speed...dang the speed! this thing is faster than I thought it would be. I watched videos on you tube and saw some people flying it fast but thought they must've been good and it's easier to fly it slower....not so much....you turn it sideways...it takes offf...it turns so fast...it is excillerating. And I fully know that it's a newbie kite and that others go faster, pull more, and give a bigger thrill....but after just one session with this thing I definitely can see the reason so many on here are so passionate about kiting. The problem is I don't know if I can afford another Hobbie to sink mucho $ into! I've spent a fair amount on rc airplane stuff....so might have to ease into this kiting hobby. Hopefully this kite keeps me amused and enjoying it for a while...but I fear I've been bitten by the bug!

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I can almost see your smile from here. Kites have brought me such great pleasure. Most of the time just having one in the air is enough. There are so many cool kites to fly. Enjoy the journey, welcome to the KiteLife.

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Hey there, DHK, and welcome to the forum. Yes, it can be as addicting as it is fun! I used to do R/C also, mostly gliders, and many other "hobbies" before and since, kind of transitioning from one to the next. Some, I've hung onto, others I've let go of. If you're really into the R/C, you probably have a whole lot of equipment and accessories hanging around that you don't use, and probably never will. Seperate what you need from what you don't, sell what you don't. Bingo, new kite!

And that's just the R/C stuff. If you're like most of us, you've probably accumulated other "clutter" that someone else will pay to get.

Have fun, and get out to some kite festivals. It's worth the drive, and you'll meet a bunch of friendly people who have no problem letting you try one that you find appealing.

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