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Guest Bob Hanson - One of the "ea

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Guest Bob Hanson - One of the "ea

Hi, All...

I was just doing my (seemingly) annual swing through Kitelife and noticed this guest area... couldn't resist waving to everyone here.

We're still in North Carolina, near the east coast. Although we don't fly kites very often, we're still active with kayaking, surf kayaking, climbing and, perhaps sometime soon, kite surfing. There are quite a few people into kite surfing in our area, particularly on the Outer Banks.

Susan now works in decorative painting (faux painting), exhibiting an incredible degree of creative talent. We've started a small business around that activity, working together on most projects. (I.e., I'm the one who carries the ladders and scaffolding. Whoopie. :P )

A deep bow of gratitude goes out to John for all of his efforts in this space. We had every confidence that he would treat the SKQ archival project in a respectful manner and feel he has done so very well. Clearly, the magazine was something very dear to us (it pained us beyond measure to have to close it down), and yet... it lives on. We're happy that people seem to be enjoying the copy again.

I'll check back in from time to time and would love to hear from some of ya'll. (Dang! I just knew I couldn't get through a post without southern slang. We've been down here too long!)

Best regards,



Evidently, my header on the post was truncated.

It's supposed to read "one of the "early" guys."


Hi Bob. Why not register and subscribe Bob?

Hello, Mike. Still in Nag's Head?


Hi, Mike...

Still evolving, I see.

You wrote: "I can smoke you just like the old days." Hmmm, shall we check the SKQ archives for competition results to see if you can back up that claim? :P

"Just you and me, we keep the results to ourselves."

I understand why you'd want to keep it that way.

"No Jones Airfoils kites for you to fly though..."

Never flew your kites, as you know. My lack of experience with them wouldn't give me an edge in the least. Neither would the fact that I haven't flown in years, beyond a quick session every now and then.

"Holidays are coming so you have the time."

Request declined due to lack of interest in anything competitive. Perhaps you could PM John B to discover some of the changes that have occured for this one over the years.

Thanks for trying to prod, anyway. It's good to know that some things never change.



A deep bow back at ya Bob... My eternal thanks to you and Susan for allowing us to republish the old issues, they're a good thing - still around for the people who weren't "born" into kiting during it's heyday. :)

You never mind the hecklers, we make our own way. :P

kiting during it's heyday. wink.gif

Past tense. I wonder why?

Well, having 3 heats of 18 fliers in Masters class during the mid-90s... I'd definitely call that a heyday, as opposed to now, when we're lucky to have 10 total. :P

You never mind the hecklers, we make our own way.

Thanks John.

You're welcome. :)


Hey, John... Good to hear from you again. It's been a long time since we've emailed and much has happened since then. It would be great to share news with you again. Zip me a line when you have the chance.


Nope, one of the least pre-disposed people you'll meet.

Ask around. :P

I understand having "the whole world against me" though... It's an easy place to be, until a person takes charge of their own existence through care and intent.

My advice, change the subject and let's get into something constructive. :)

Guest Billy Bob


"Spin" == Projection. Simple psych stuff. Consider the source.

Mike; Your offer of a fly and a beer was mitigated by your comment that you'd "smoke me" like in the old days, a claim which remains unsubstantiated by any empirical evidence of capabilites to do so on your part.

Sheesh. All I did was stand up and say, "Hello!" After all these years, that's all the civility you could muster up?

This reminds me of the story of two Zen monks who helped a woman across the river. Anybody know that one?

Peace out,



Nope. Quit over a dozen years ago (as did Susan.) Congratulations on your efforts; I know it's not easy. Toughest thing I've probably ever done, so I know how difficult it can be.

Quit a lot of things. Most of them, actually. Not nearly the same as I was, although you seem to think I am. Hater? Whatever that means, I'm sure it's no longer a part of what you think you know about me. You're working on obsolete information, friend.

Perhaps you missed the part where I said I wasn't much interested in flying any more. Nothing personal. Fly. Enjoy. Kick it up. But don't expect to see me on the beach.

And yes, I'm still in shape.


Just out of curiosity Mike, whatcha got for sport kite championship accolades with all that youth and vigor? You talk about it, let's see the wood. <grin>

Yah. I'm still poring over the archives (not really; I know what happened.) I keep lookin'... and lookin'...

This is the projection part. Or alternative reality. Whatever...


Tell Sue I said hello Bob.

Nothing personal


Nice try.

Can we elevate the level of discourse a bit?

I'm still waiting around to discern just what your problem might be. Talk about hiding behind things, Mike... why don't you just come out with it? Fess up. What's your problem after, what?, 12 years? Is there some unfinished business here, or are you just being caustic for the hell of it?


So here's the claim...

Hey Bob, PM me your number and you and I can hit the beach and fly side by side and I can smoke you just like the old days.

Here's the excuse...

I retired from flying competition that following year because I was being overwhelmed with orders and didn't thave the time to keep as keen of an edge but I kept demoing until our kites were outlawed.

I just want to know when and where you smoked Bob, or scored some championship wood? You brought it up, and you got my curiosity up.

I mean besides that one event where it was blowing 30mph+, remember... I was there too. :kid_smartass:

Historical reference - The 1992 Outer Banks event started off with 60+ mph in the morning (according to the Kitty Hawk Kites wind meter at the bottom of the dune where we competed), and kept up 30-40 mph throughout the whole weekend.

Oh, I just noticed you only beat me by .13 in MIB... And I was flying your kites. :kid_devlish:


Like I said, I'm still waiting around to discern just what your problem might be. Talk about hiding behind things, Mike... why don't you just come out with it?

If you ever think about sneaking out just for a little let me know.

And what - after all this - makes you dream that I'd call you if I wanted to fly again?

Alternative reality.

I don't have things indexed like you John, I have boxes with magazines and all other manner of this and that. Then I have to scan it and while it's early there, it's not here.

Fair enough Mike, see you in the morning?

As for the wind rule... Never been much for it, never used it.

I don't have things indexed like you John, I have boxes with magazines and all other manner of this and that. Then I have to scan it and while it's early there, it's not here.

Take MY word for it, Michael. You never won over me, and I think that's the bug you have. Blame it on the judges, blame it on the wind conditions, blame it on enebriation, blame it on whatever you'd like to blame it. But to say you ever "smoked me" is an invalid claim in the extreme...

... not that I really give a damn today. That's history. Get over it. It doesn't matter. It was nothing. Are you still carrying something after a dozen years?

If so, I'm all ears. If not, then drop the caustic bullcrap. Understand that since we all change over time (our bodies replace every cell within 7 years), that's all water under the bridge.

Unless.... unless... you still have something to say to us; yes, us.


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