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everyone on here is saying that i should my lines 75-85ft long but how can i measure that out, i don't have a tape measure that long so how do all you masters do it? :confused!:


Eye ball... My kite doesn't gripe about a couple of feet. ;)

Seriously though, you could always take a yard stick and flip-flip-flip it down your sidewalk... Then mark the right spots when you get there.


For a clean guestimate, measure your winder then count the wraps. Add about 2 feet to that and there's your length.

For cutting/sleeving new lines, I go out in my front yard and do 20ft wraps around fence posts. I can do a 100ft set of lines within a 1/8th inch or so this way.

Whatever you do, dont try to measure or cut lines when it's windy! If you can fly a kite that day, dont screw with your lines ;)


Tubbs, as you may have noticed, most of us don't worry about being extremely accurate about the lines, as long as they are both the same within 1/4 inch. After all, your arms probably aren't much closer than that in length, anyway.

Just find 2 things that are separated by a distance you CAN measure, and go from there. I have a 20 foot tape measure, and found 2 doorknobs in my hallway that are about 15 feet apart. Tie the lines to one, go to the end and back a total of 5 segments, and Voila, 75 feet.

Or shove a couple kite stakes (or screwdrivers) in the lawn some known distance apart, and go around them a few times.

Heck, if this stuff was hard to do, most of us would probably get lost along the way anyhow! Improvise, and have fun! ;)

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