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Dunstable Kite Festival


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On Saturday I set off early from home and made my way to Dunstable Kite Festival.

Upon arriving I met up with a few old friends and managed to get a bit of team flying in, which was cool because as some of you know I mostly fly solo[emoji16], I even got invited to take part in the megateam which was cool[emoji41].

Met some really nice people through the day and ended up going for dinner with some fellow fliers, well I had such a brilliant day I decided to spend the night in my car[emoji23].

After a brilliant nights sleep[emoji23] I found myself the first person on the field, had pretty much the same brilliant day again, although two megaflys[emoji4].

Was able to pick a few brains and just listening to peoples conversations(about kites)gave me new things to think about and I managed to get someone to show me an axle! yey.

I feel the weekend has added a new level to my kite flying, and before anyone asks no i didn't mess up the megateam, well except it turns out I can't tell left from right lol and I zoned out 3 times watching the other kites and suddenly thought oh yeah I'm flying in this as well[emoji16]

But it's all good.


Sent from my SM-T210 using KiteLife mobile app



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