Category Archives: KL Archive
Issue 65: West Coast Rev Clinic II
One year ago, iQuad, in conjunction with the World Kite Museum, held a Rev clinic [...]
Issue 65: Kite Party 7
One of the first events of the year, known for good weather and a relaxing [...]
Issue 65: Isla Blanca Festival de Papalotes
Charles and Dorothy Stewart were the most wonderful hosts. They have been going down to [...]
Issue 64: From the Editor
Brrrr… Are we happy to be coming out of Winter or what? As I’m gearing [...]
Issue 64: AKA Corner
I hope this finds you well and warm. Here in the Northeast USA we have [...]
Issue 64: Dave’s World: Kite Copies
I recently received a letter from Robert Van Weers in New Zealand which he asked [...]
Issue 64: Drachen Archives: The Way We Were
Another year has slipped away and memories of Y2K have become distant as the first [...]
Issue 64: News Reel
FlyNY 2009 There is a unique kite making competition in New York City this spring [...]
Issue 64: Kites… Life.
With everything that’s been going on over the past couple of years, I haven’t been [...]
Issue 64: Featured Store: Cutting Edge Kites
Each month we’ll be featuring one of the fine retailers who have been so supportive [...]
Issue 64: REVisions: Health and Happiness
Last year was probably the busiest season of flying quad I could ever hope for [...]
Issue 64: Guinness Record for World’s Largest Kite
The 2009 edition of the Guinness World Record Book has included a listing of the [...]
Issue 64: The Soul Fliers
Memorable ballet routines, like works of art, consist not of a planned series of strokes, [...]
Issue 64: Shoot ‘Em!
All around the field at every competition and tournament you will see photographers. Every time [...]
Issue 64: KTAI Trade Show
Attending my fourth trade show in as many years, this is always one of my [...]
Issue 64: Let’s Paint Rosario’s Sky
Once again Argentinean kite community joined their efforts to make a new edition of Pintemos [...]
Issue 64: Treasure Island Kite Festival
The Treasure Island Kite Festival and Rev Clinic was everything I had hoped for and [...]
Issue 64: Windless Kite Festival
This little indoor festival is in it’s EIGHTH year… …and getting better every year, too! [...]
Issue 64: VroomJamaica RC & Kite Xtravaganza
I was approached by e-mail and phone by Walter Plummer of Jamaica to bring our [...]