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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2018 in all areas

  1. Well I have got a HQ Symphony 1.8 Dual Line Foil Kite coming Friday. LOL
    1 point
  2. Crosskites 1.8 if I'm not mistaken is actually a 1.8M size and would be much larger than the 180 and slightly larger that the Symphony 2.2 There are 2 different ways to measure these kites, until you mentioned the Crosskites, you were talking about Sport Size, once you get into Square Meters, you are truly in the power kite territory.. Here is a Symphony 2.2 (sport size) laying on top of a Crossfire 2M (Square Meters) kite.. Notice the 2M kite is much larger and much more powerful.. Mkae sure when you are looking at the numbers you are aware of which numbers you are actually using.. Power Kites, Square Meter sizing is also known by the term Traction Size and are literally tuned to provide maximum pull to propel a buggy, board or other transportation device.. Here is Chris Shultz from HQ Kites using my 4M Crossfire to scud through the sand at Jockey's Ridge..
    1 point
  3. I'm a huge fan of the HQ Symphony but would highly suggest you look at the 2.2 I have a 1.8 and it pretty much stays in my bag.. I have 8 of the 2.2's that I converted and those get flown EVERY chance I get.. one reason I recommend the 2.2 over the 1.8 is the 1.8 is a bit too small to convert.
    1 point
  4. Just got home from the Keystone Kiters Summer Kitebuilders Workshop. We made Mike Mosman's modified Edo. It was a great learning experience in some new techniques. Not mention I've now got a great new kite.
    1 point
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