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  1. My measurements also match. Also hopefully helpful, I took a video a few months back for something else. You can pause and zoom in as needed on various attachment points. https://photos.app.goo.gl/fZywNEbrnW6822LW6
    2 points
  2. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. Djinn XT from Kite Forge, $405 value, in GREEN FADE! == Full info - https://kiteforge.com/djinn More videos - https://kiteforge.com/videos/ This package includes a Green Fade XT (EXTRA VENT) sail, Mystic 18 frame and a kite sleeve! NOTE: This is exactly the same Djinn XT configuration that I fly myself - no special mods needed, it's already a boss right out of the bag... We should be able to ship from existing inventory when a winner is drawn, worst case will be 2-4 weeks for restock (depending on color choice). You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/413, and will be drawn on Feb 10th, 2021! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
    1 point
  3. That's simply amazing! I cannot thank you enough for your help and support! The sketch is very easy to comprehend so that I'm preatty sure I can handle it. Have a good one!!
    1 point
  4. Basically that is correct, except to recognize that the measurements are of the bridle line off of the kite. That is, the measurements include the sections that tie around the rods. Also The O to I you show is only to the end of the loop that larks heads to the pig tail. Here is a rough sketch of the bridle and dimensions. Good luck tiering a new bridle. Take your time and measure carefully.
    1 point
  5. I measured my hydra bridle and all of the dimensions agree with the figure you posted. The dimension of the loop on the ULE pigtail is missing – it is 68mm. The figure can be confusing if you are new to this. I will try to add some details – I hope it helps. The bridle consists of three sections. One that is tied to the spine at the center T and then continue to each of the tow points. The other two are identical, one for each side of the kite, and go between the two leading edge connectors. These sections are actually each in two pieces with a pig tail at the upper leading edge connector to allow you to adjust for wind conditions. Look at the point where the three bridle legs come together. You will see an overhand knot and a larks head knot next to each other. The overhand knot is on the center T bridle section and the larks head is in the section that goes between the two leading edge connectors. The center T part is on very long piece (almost 3.5m). It consists of a loop at the center that is 38mm long (this is the part that connects to the spine). There is a knot that is 584mm from the tip of the loop on each side. This is the knot where the three legs come together. There is another knot at the end of each side where you connect the flying lines – the tow point. The exact length to the tow point isn’t critical, but it is critical that it is the same on both sides. Now look at the upper leading edge (ULE) connector. You will see a pigtail looped around the connector with two knots in it. These are the knots at 83mm and 105mm. The loop is 68mm (the missing dimension). Again, the knots are measured from the tip of the loop. The other part of the section that goes between the two leading edge connectors has a knot at one end and a loop at the other end. The size of this loop doesn’t matter – this is the loop that uses a larks head to connect to the pig tail. The mark at 584mm is the center of the larks head knot that connects this line to the center T connection. I hope this helps and that I didn’t add more confusion.
    1 point
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