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KiteLife Forum

John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Do you have a German accent Rob?
  2. We had it on the old forum version, and it went kind of wacky after awhile... Now it's back! Spell checker is back on the menu, both with "full reply" and "quick reply". Enjoy!
  3. $150 donation (prefers to be anonymous), gets us to $295 for a "buy it now" price for Adobe Acrobat Pro 7 off eBay... Thank you kindly! And thanks to all of you who donated, or got someone else to donate.
  4. We've just added a flag mod to the forum! If you go in and edit your profile via "My Controls" and select your resident country, it will display the appropriate flag below your name in postings (see USA to left under my name). All new registrants to the forum are required to select a country.
  5. We've just added a Google Member Map to this forum, which allows you to put your marker on the world wide interactive map... Rest easy, you don't have to geocode right down to your address... Nailing it down to the city, state and country is enough. It's not mandatory or anything, but this is a pretty cool feature a lot of you might enjoy. http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?act=gmap Go leave your mark on the world!
  6. Update, after some research it's clear that Kitelife cannot legally use an educational copy of this software... Much better to be on the up and up, obviously. We're still looking into this, donations are still welcome.
  7. Yes, middle of 2005 I was out at Seaside OR amongst the dunes and "let it all hang out" for about a half hour or so... I imagine it looking pretty funny when I did my roll ups and jacob's ladders, but having the sun and wind everywhere felt great! No photos, sorry. Next?
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