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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Hey man, you've got to FLEX 'em sometimes! Seriously though, I never even look sideways at an SLE unless there are small children and animals being blown by me while I'm flying.
  2. Nice work kram, welcome to the dark side... Let us know how it goes.
  3. Out of curiosity Flyboy, where do you fly?
  4. Great question Rob, since most kites are very different from each other... It can lend some insight into the issue. But, I'd agree with Dorsal... Try a bit of weight on the tail for now.
  5. Rock on mama, best wishes.
  6. Assuming it's Sue Moskowitz we're speaking about, they can be reached through http://www.buyakite.com - they're also one of the advertisers on Kitelife. Aha, try her here - sue (at) buyakite (dot) com I just sent her an email asking about Magic Stix for the Rev I.
  7. Magic Sticks are pretty popular on the East Coast, but I've always shied away from them due to the added inertia they lend when I'm doing fine clockwork and similar precision-oriented moves... Same reason I avoid the SLE, except in ballistic winds. Of course, this is just a personal style thing. Come to think of it though, I would be curious to see how the Rev I behaves with them.
  8. Good to hear JD, I thought it might. You're still on the invited list for the Fall Festival in Lincoln City, October 8th and 9th... Yeah? Looking forward to it, young grasshopper.
  9. Aha, should be gravy now.
  10. Yup... That might be the case, let me look in the ADMIN area and see if there's a setting I can tweak.
  11. In another part of the forum... Diagram included. http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=637
  12. Here's the dogstake layout Paul LaMasters refers to, in PDF format. LaMasters_Stake_attachment.pdf
  13. In sand, I'll set the Rev upside-down, and scoop some sand onto the leading edge... When I go to the kite, I just pull on the bottom lines and up it comes for a reverse launch.
  14. LOL - My guess, it's just a slip knot... With a knot on the "inside" so that it POPS through when you pull on it.
  15. Look on the spine... If there's one silver-colored weight, it is 7 grams external. My own kite (the one you flew on Labor Day) has 37 grams external, not counting what's "stock"... When the winds were lighter, I knocked it down to 22... When they were non-existent, I knocked it down to the standard 7 grams external.
  16. Let us know what you find Rob? ROFL Backspin... Silly man.
  17. Cyanoacrylate? I always used to use "Zap-a-Gap"... It's gap filling too, handy for those "not quite right" ferrules.
  18. I untie the knot thing from the bungie, then pull the end cap straight off the rod... There's a bolt attached to it. The trick is to pull the cap, while allowing the string tied around it to slide (loosen) as you pull the cap off. Still holding the end cap, slide your added weight on (pushing the stopper on the spine down further), and the slide the bolt back in until the cap is flush with the tip of the spine again. Now, draw the end of the string tight again until the loops around the end cap are tight... Then, just tie the string back onto the bungie however you like, as long as it is tight and won't pop off... The kind of knot doesn't effect how it flies. If you have any concerns, take a few digital photos before you work with it.
  19. I don't recall where I picked this up, but someone described how they'd take a plastic drinking straw and cut it to fit on their bottom spreader where bridles tend to rub during Jacob's Ladders and other slack line tricks... Once cut to length, slit on side length-wise and pop it onto the rod. I've implemented this on my Sea Devils, and have extended the life of my bridles significantly... Matter of fact, I'll let you know when I wear one out. The other thing, you might take a pin-drop of super glue and put in under the straw so it doesn't wander around... But it can still be popped off with a little pressure, if you need to work with the rod or fittings.
  20. On Gone With the Wind... http://gwtw-kites.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=24378
  21. Mota, are you flying on sand or grass?
  22. Yukka yukka... Remember, I am human... Cal Yuen nearly got me, only four points back in precision.
  23. I'll second the Mirage recommendation. Good to see you on the forum JD, stick around! See you in two weeks... Lincoln City!
  24. I was taught on the Rev I (they didn't have the II in 1990)... But, I spent most of my first full year on quads flying the Rev II... As for control, even in an overall sense, I'll go toe to toe with anyone on my Rev I, anytime. That's of course said with a big grin Doug.
  25. Corrected now Rob, thanks.
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