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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Aye, agreed.
  2. The link is non-functional... jplot, please verify the URL and repost. Also, I am moving this thread to the more appropriate "new sites" category.
  3. The old belief is that Spectra line weakens by 60% when tied in a knot by itself... Hence, sleeving. A lot of pro competitors and fliers don't bother with sleeving however, and roughly 80% of my lines are actually sleeved... In 15 years, I've only broken unsleeved lines at the knot once. Sleeving definitely makes it easier to take your lines on and off though.
  4. We just upgraded the forum software yet again yesterday morning... All should be a-ok now. If not, click the "delete cookies" link at the bottom of the forum's front page, click "log in" and do so with the "remember" box checked. That should solve any lingering issues. Thanks for your patience!
  5. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. Airbow quad line kite from Andy Wardley and Benson Kites, a $350 value! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/165, and will be drawn on December 5th! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/airbow44/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  6. Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: Larry Zilar - Subscriber #70 Congratulations Larry! Our new prize(s) will be announced by the end of the day.
  7. It's darker through a dog stake.
  8. We're researching a much less expensive option right now... It might be possible for Kitelife to obtain a copy of Acrobat for $129, through an educational discount. I'll keep you posted.
  9. We're researching a much less expensive option right now... It might be possible for Kitelife to obtain a copy of Acrobat for $129, through an educational discount. I'll keep you posted.
  10. $50 from Kent Kingston!
  11. $20 from Ron Graziano and Stephanie Hiebert!
  12. $25 from Bruce McGuire, thank you sir!
  13. $50 from Scott Davis!
  14. Our progress towards getting Adobe Acrobat for archival projects... $295 of $295 This software is used for editing and publishing the SKQ and Kite Lines PDFs found on Kitelife... Important pieces of kiting's history, which we're dedicated to preserving and making available to the world at large. Once we're done with the Kite Lines collection, we're moving our sights onto other great out of print publications such as Kite Passion, Drachen and American Kite Magazine! I figured I'd open up a new thread showing our progress, but here's the initial thread which started this: http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=702
  15. For sure, I think the only time I've been out flying since Nationals was on 10/22 when we had our team practice... Too much to be done. Go fly... Stay here and work... Plus, the Geezer and I are moving into a new place on the 30th of November... And publishing the next issue of Kitelife around the same time!
  16. Scott, ask and ye shall receive... Click the button below, and you can enter any amount. Thank you, everyone.
  17. Oh yeah...
  18. Easy reference for those passing by in the future... http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=659
  19. We've just completed work on the four issues of volume five, bringing our grand total web-converted Kite Lines issues to twenty... Only thirty more to go! To add good news to good news, this latest volume has the table of contents linked so that when you click on the name of an article, it will take you straight to it! This is a new addition, and we'll be doing the same to the other archived issues as we find time... We've got Adobe Acrobat on a 30 day trial, so it's going to be a rushed job unless I fork out the $499 for it (which I can't see doing). In the meantime, we hope you enjoy volume five of Kite Lines! The plan is still to move on to securing rights to "reprint" other out of print publications when we're done with Kite Lines, such as: - Drachen Magazine (English version) - Kite Passion (English version) - American Kite Magazine Please, let us know what you think... It's a whole lot of work putting these things together, and while it's always worth it... A little praise goes a long way. Or, consider signing up as an official Kitelife Subscriber to help support efforts such as these!
  20. Wow, your site keeps getting better and better Jaime... Any idea when an English version will be available?
  21. Awesome photos JJ, thanks! Here's the quick link to the gallery he's referring to.
  22. Thank you Steve... As I sit here today manually cleaning up the scans (page by page) and preparing to zone them for OCR, your words are great motivation for me. Cheers, and very best winds to you!
  23. Thanks Jason, good call... Topic moved, with a link left behind. As for line lengths, I'd loosely agree with Jason... Your kite will probably come with 75' - 85' lines which are perfect for learning on. The longer your lines, the more sky your kite has to pass through before it hits the ground... As you get comfortable, you can always drop down (or cut down) to 50' - 65' as mentioned above. 35' is pretty darn short for your first few months I think. If you're curious about quad (or "magic") sticks, they are available exclusively from (far as I know) High Flyers Kite Co at... http://www.buyakite.com
  24. Absolutely... "Messing around" is what we do when we're learning, and then gosh darn, if we don't end up "messing around" again once we've got it all down pat. The other thing about the Rev, it should come with a basic training DVD as well... It will cover the basics of flight (set up, launching, up & down, left & right, etc). I also plan on doing my own series of short Rev tutorials and putting them in the subscriber's section of Kitelife sometime in the Spring... They'll range from basic to highly advanced topics.
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