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Everything posted by monkey

  1. I -always- travel with my kite bag :-) Looks like a great place to fly My kite bag currently has 10 revs in it. A little excessive perhaps?
  2. Very amusing, I kept waiting for your catch to actually work :-D My only suggestion would be to let the shots run a little longer
  3. I'm quacking up over here...
  4. Remind me to bring a camcorder!
  5. monkey


    Only if it ran in Kitelife I have no idea what I'd yap about though, I have a tough enough time stringing one coherent sentence together most days...
  6. monkey


    Alright, after some prodding from John, I sat down and quickly fixed up the ancient old REVisions web site, mainly just a quick facelift and a fixing of dead broken links and stuff. I may add some more pictures, but, it took me seven years to update it again, I wouldn't go gettin' too excited ;-) http://www.monkey-boy.com/REVisions/ Some good info lurks within the Archives
  7. Gordy is EASY to find usually I'll be prepared...
  8. Run north run north! Unfortunately, they busted the secret tunnel some clowns spent 8 months building. Seems to be news around the world now http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-tunn22.html
  9. Sure are using adjustments. Interesting... I needed to adjust the "gas" about 2" in. I thought maybe my lineset needed equalizing, but it just may be the balance needed for the stack. BTW, I have other handles that I could use, but I prefer to fly with the "recommended" handles. mnkby, you'd love it!!! Doug Ya, I tend to try out any stack I see, they are a pile of fun. In a perfect world, I'd go for a stack of 3 1s or 3 1.5s I flew Bob Serack's rainbow stack down at Lincoln City recently. Wheeeeeeeee!
  10. Make sure they dont give you the "special" search at Customs! "oh look, Customs has John performing the rare "Full Moon" trick!"
  11. Maybe we could clubbing with the seals! okok, that was awful... One thing to be sure of.... Make sure you either have a birth certificate or passport. Also make sure John has his shots caught up at the vet.
  12. Its snowing here today. I have made room in the igloo for everyone however, so no worries there. Did you pack parkas? http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/c...es/CABC0308.htm
  13. Anyone up to anything this evening (that being Friday)? I'm meeting John and Moon at the border to guide them into the wilds of Burnaby where I live...
  14. You done broken teh intarweeb again!
  15. The nicest thing about Rev stacks is the amount of control available. You dont have to let it drag you down the beach if you dont want it to. I need a stack dammit.
  16. Leaving thursday night? You wuss! I'll make sure to get down to the fest site before then
  17. I will be well armed... The one on the right is a special type, called Chimpancheese, which is apparently good for mice.
  18. Ooooooooooh! THATS where they are! Spars for my indoor! Seeya there I arrive thursday afternoon! There should be a mouse running around there too, I have brought traps.
  19. She twisted us all!
  20. We try not tell people about the restraints, it can weird them out. Sometimes.
  21. monkey

    new to rev EXP

    You can also find some good lessons on the Revolution site www.revkites.com
  22. Beach monkeys are notorious for being very wily and very fast, so, you'll have to be fast...
  23. monkey


    Well, what, are they slow or something?
  24. monkey


    K, next year, I vow to light up a rev somehow, one way or another. ya, it was good seeing you Elizabeth! and glad you like the CD as well. Maybe we'll have another one next year. Ha, probably not, but, I'll be down there anyways.
  25. monkey


    Thats ok, nobody saw that crash and I didn't get pictures!
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