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Everything posted by monkey

  1. FANTASTIC times were had at WSIKF, I'm willing to say it was the best time I've had in 7 trips to that place. :-)
  2. The llama has landed, I repeat, the llama has landed. Last spotted flying three BBQs at once with great skill!
  3. Oh, its gotten so dull, flying revs for up to 8 hours per day for the last 7 days. not.
  4. Heh, no worries, Im not camping this year, im in a motel right beside that main arch way. But, if others are going I may have to pop in and say hello!
  5. We're there from Sunday evening straight through to the next Sunday morning PERFECT!
  6. HA! I'll be there! FOR SURE!
  7. Which reminds me, I should bring my kiteboard down for use with the Super Blast!
  8. Wow, that sounds cool, I think I'll try and pop by!
  9. For hurricane season, let me suggest the Ultra Vented Rev. Its a 1.5 made of nothing but vent sail cloth, framed in rebar.
  10. monkey

    Desert Island

    If it was Coors Light, I'd swim!
  11. monkey

    Desert Island

    Man, you got some rough luck going on. "And the cooler would be filled with Coors Light"
  12. monkey

    Desert Island

    Oh right, suppose I should answer my own question too eh? A Vented Supersonic on 10 foot lines. A Backtracker with 200 foot kevlar lines. To be honest, I had not even considered the idea of escaping the island, but, in my mind it was bottomless well stocked cooler If escape was the plan, I'm with John, a Super Blast, some short, strong lines and wind in the right direction. If I was intending to stay and fly for a while, a Rev 1, 80 foot lines.
  13. K, I watch Ebay for Revs (specifically well priced Rev 1s) and I've been watching this auction with a LOT of amusement : http://cgi.ebay.com/Revolution-Quad-Line-4...1QQcmdZViewItem So far, we have a Rev Backtracker going for 70 bucks and there is 9 hours left! I also delight in emailing Ebay sellers when they lie, like a recent "Genuine" Revolution.
  14. Ok, here's the scenario. You've been shipwrecked on a remote desert island! Luckily for you, there's a constant 10mph wind all the time! There's a well stocked beverage cooler too that washed up on shore. Here's the dilemma... You could only save one kite! So, if you had to have only ONE quad kite and ONE line set, what would you choose?
  15. Yaaaa, I may pop by for a little while...
  16. Damn keeners! I inted to have a relaxing couple of days simply flying in TWO WHOLE EVENTS
  17. monkey


    I have some more, I'll send'em along tonight :-) Lolly's old aol address is working fine, thats what I have been using. You'll see us down at Long Beach by Sunday evening, we'll need drinks by them! I'll email my cel
  18. Just another lousy day in paradise :
  19. monkey


    And penny, what IS your email address, I have pirate pics of you from Lincoln City "aye, and a pirates booty it was!"
  20. monkey


    I figured I could interview you and do a writeup on how to fly with all four lines being different lengths
  21. TRUE! He did get it in the end, and a damn sight better than I am ever able to catch it. I usually catch a Rev with my forehead, which is closely followed by an "oooof, *&%&&*" sound
  22. Me, Myself and I are headed down Friday...
  23. I think it'd be best of you sent the Spirit stack out to the Northwest so John and I could play with it... While the vast amount of what I own is Revolutions, theres a few Decas kicking around and I've flown most of the quads available at some point with the exception of the Airbow. I liked the Spirits I have flown, just not enough to own one yet
  24. monkey


    My distinct pleasure. :-D
  25. Quad line kites are totally unique We're also very good looking, pretty damn smart and we can drink more than your average dualie.
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