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Everything posted by monkey

  1. Lessee, how many subscriptions can I sign family up for... sweet kite! Even if its merely a dual.
  2. Ok, talked with Mary, I'm boooooooooooooooked
  3. You can sign me up for the demos, I'll be there early enough and I can waste a couple of minutes of their time ;-)
  4. Alas, no Egan for Arlington however he IS coming to Lincoln City in March
  5. Just did my budget after SASKC so, ya, I was intending to be there for late friday afternoon so I could do that. Amy has been managing to get some flying time inside now as well, so I'll nudge her along
  6. Monkey? The sun does exhist? Well, the Seattlelites are ready to kill a cow just to insure it comes back. We are saturated here. Glad to hear you'll be at Arlington. Are you bringing Amy with? BB Florida was simply beautifully sunny the whole time we were down there! And I'll note that it WAS sunny in Seattle when I landed yesterday! Yes, the plan is for me to drive down for early friday evening and Amy will meet me there
  7. So far, I'm looking very likely to make this fest as well, just need to do some math after the Florida trip... As a note to Northwest flyers, indeed, the sun still does exist, I experienced it firsthand!
  8. Ah, that would explain the bounce I got replying to an email from him today then
  9. Nope, Egan and I fly into Dallas and then we meet up with the PDX boys CAN'T WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT! I need sun. I need sand. I need fancy drinks with umbrellas in them. I need to show John a thing or two about Rev flying. But, its looking more likely that I'll make it to Arlington now
  10. I MAY make this, however its going to depend entirely how much money I DON'T spend in St Augustine this weekend. :-D
  11. Well there goes my whole chimpanzee routine! back to the drooling board for me. *cries*
  12. We're going to teach Rob to be a little more gentle with his Rev children when we show up in January
  13. monkey

    Lincoln City

    WELL NOW! What a great ad!
  14. Well, there's always the "Good Looks" portion of the program, but, with som many people coming down from the Northwest for St Augustine, you can write off your chances there, bud.
  15. you will never hear me say anything good about windows networking. ever. promise.
  16. Because anything worth securing shouldnt be on a network to begin with. I dont use wep or wpa. What a Linuxian attitude. That coupled with the occasional agony trying to get it going under Linux especially if you have to deal with pc cards or usb on a notebook...or, X windows on an unsupported card. Or firewire in any situation. seriously tho, for me, it doesnt really matter that much, all 3 platforms have their strengths and weaknesses and I have to deal with all 3 extensively on any given day. They all work, which is one thing the Internet brought to the world in general, decent interoperability between platforms. 10 years ago, that certainly wasn't the case. Much like in kite discussions, if I had to go down to one single machine, it'd be a Powerbook. Then I have my unix, and I have a pretty front end. And a dead simple machine to use.
  17. Thats ok, I'm quite willing to strongly disagree on this
  18. Distro doesnt matter, trust me... I've been using Linux for work stuff for 10 years, its a fine server environment. As a desktop? It has a long way to go, but, its certainly functional. However, your average new user can not go out and buy/download a distro and get it going without some amount of computer knowledge and desire to muck with things.
  19. X Windows should have been put out of its misery years ago.. Linux is ok, just too much tweaking for my tastes.
  20. OH BOY! 'nother mac vs pc debate! Where did you get that from? It sounds to me like some "data" invented by another MAC user to justify their usage, because I certainly don't spend any time performing any of those functions. I run both OS'es, daily. My windows machine needs virus checking software on it, period. There's no getting around it. And, despite being behind a pretty hefty firewall, running spyware detection stuff is a good idea, at least weekly. Its not like these two things devour my every waking moment, but, they do need to be attended to regardless. And god forbid you try and run a Windows machine without a router in front of it though I'll say that the addition of a basic firewall in the OS is one of those "about time" things. On the Mac? No virus checking. No spyware checking, and very very very few popups from web pages. A bit of a falsehood here, while the Mac community is certainly much smaller, Macs are based on FreeBSD Unix, and thus, one of the tougher ones to hack into anyways. Its not that they are too bored, or there's not enough machines to make it fun, its simply its far harder to crack a Unix based security model than it is the Windows one. Its a fundamental difference in security models between the two OS'es. MS has gone to great lengths to change its basically flawed "I'm not connected to anything else" model of the early 90s to a more secure environment, but, it still has a ways to go. Day by day running of both? The Mac is less work, there's no two ways around it, whether you deal with your spyware/virus checks daily, weekly or monthly, the point JD makes is sound, you don't have to do it on a Mac. And part of that -is- due to there being a much smaller base of Macs to mess with, but, its also because its simply harder to crack. Its pointless to focus on which one is easier to use, there's valid things about both sides, there's great software on both sides. I will say one thing though, I spent a lot of money and time trying to get high end digital recording done on a PC and it didn't pan out. With that, keep in mind I've been building and using PCs for 20 years, I know how to make one go, but, digital audio? Nope. Dropouts. Also worth noting, I'm talking about multitrack stuff, 24 tracks and up. What led to my purchase of a monster G4 a couple of years ago was that I can easily deal with a 48 track recording on a 2 year old G4. I also do all my video production on a Mac now as well, for similiar reasons, and better software. Given your championing of the Spirit underdog, I'd figure you'd have been all over the Macs... (just teasing you here). Macs and PCs are both fine, they both get the job done and uninformed shots at the other side are a bit of a waste of time. I like both systems, for differing reasons.
  21. Schenkman's Advanced video is great stuff, I learned a lot off of that one when it came out
  22. 'scuse me, I'll be right back, I'm going to don some fire retardant pajamas and make some popcorn.
  23. Damn crappy camcorders.... :-) One of these days, I'll either borrow a better camera or pay some to do a really good job of it. We use the tapes mostly for amusement and calculating what to dock trombone players from the paycheck
  24. Come on, you can fly two revs, you'll be fine!
  25. But, they store so well!
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