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Everything posted by Mousie

  1. Lincoln City I believe is the next fest , indoor and out. Oct 8, 9, and 10th. Come on over.!!! hugs, mousie Just learned to fly a rev.. cant believe you can do that AND ride a buggy or board . But would love to try sometime.
  2. well.. what the heck are ya waiting for?? Bring em on.. !
  3. Wonderful Job on the coverage of WSKIF !! And acutually the timing was great to. I was just sitting here thinking how much I would like to go back, thanks for taking me there. hugs , mousie Oh, have some pics too, where should I send em?
  4. opps wrong place lol
  5. OH, by the way Eye, any chance of you reposting the wskif updates that ran, those of us that were there and not staying where we had internet access couldnt see em.. *not complaining, hehe I had one of the best spots in town* . But I would love to see the updates and photos. hugs , mousie
  6. CHEERLEADERS??? I never saw any cheer leaders . hmmm John.. were you at the high school cheerleading practices in between flying? Dont touch that cody! lol.. know ya want to.. but be good. Great to see it all up and running Eyeball, I really didnt know how much I missed it till it was gone sigh.. Now I am ready to start learning some good dual line stuff, and yes, I am willing to crash , so lay it on me Johnboy!!!! Hugs , mousie
  7. OK ok... so this is gonna look wierd being out of order and all.. but.... Doc and I earned our crazy cody flyin honors at wskif. woohoo. Not only that, but we also earned our top 5 vip cody pins ... So what, a little rain ya say, awww ok well so there were only 7 of us that crazy enough to stay out there, but Doc and I were the only ones set up , drenched, dripping, cold.. but it was worth it. !!! And the blue lady kite, well, she is awsome.. so Cody, kudos to you. hugs mousie
  8. Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are back wohhhoooooo yippieeeeeeeeeee *doing the happy dance* Great job John..!!! Now lets get rid of all those old posts and move us right up to wskif!!!! What a great week ! Got to hug the llamafella , and eat way too much ice cream with John and meet a whole group of great people. Even cough * learned to fly a rev Penny!!! Not gonna admit how much I liked it though , nope nope.. ya cant make me. The monkeyboy is a great teacher and even water proof!!! Hugs to ya all, good to be able to drop in again. Pats on the back to ya John..and by the way, rumor has it...you need to talk to cody about a cody !!! hugs , mousie
  9. Well.... I tried to resist.. but to heck with it. I am bringin my lawnchair and coming to Brookings. Looking forward to watchin the pros at play! Hope all of you have safe trips there and the wind is good. Penny I will bring the digital and take pics of the tater.. i mean egg suit. grins... hugs to ya.
  10. okkkkkkk thats it.. grabs the red box..... its beginin to sink in... lol...
  11. Looks closely.... ok its clearly an egg... I see that now.. *coughs*.. hides catsup under table.. Sorry about that tater.. i mean Penny. The sun was in my eyes.. the trilby stack made me giddy... ummmm I usually wear glasses??? help.... lol. ok its now wed night... and i am still tryin to get to go to brookings... sheeesh just cant keep my feet on the ground.. or I just dont want to... lol... If i dont make it.. great flying to all of you... my head will be there anyway.. sighs hugs trilbymousie <:3_)~~~~~
  12. Always have hugs here !!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure there is wind there lol.... Last time I sat there looking at my rusted clipped trilby all day .. grrrrrrr lol... Heres to flying... trilbymousie
  13. THUD.... falls off chair.. Ok veryyyyyyyy funny you guys... is this like some kind of kite hazing thingy???????????????????? lmao. Penny? may i borrow that giant potato costume thingy you have? After all this ..I am having log in problems again...I got so flustered i forgot my name and password lol... &&&&___________O_________________<:3_)~~~~~ goes bowling....
  14. umm ok... after a bit of stumbling around... I realized that I am not a trilbygirl.. but a trilbymousie... problem of log on solved... and as far as leaving my kites on the beach.. umm ... Is there a vitamon for this sort of thing.
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