ooooo right up my alley
ok.. nice to meet ya first of all, and dont you dare give up on those trilbys... I need a cohort!!!!!!! And its about time someone else joined me .
First off.. winds need to be close to 14 on up... otherwise.. dont bother.. fly your beetle in lighter winds.
And dont feel wierd about dragging em.. I have done it many a time, ask cody lol.. You can self launch with no problem. Set up your lines and stake em.
then attach the stack and place the first kite with its leading edge in the sand.. yup.. upside down. Follow the rest of the stack in the same position, with the bridle lines taunt but not tight in between each kite. You may want to tip them back a bit and put a little sand at the bottom of each to hold em..
Make sure your tails(my favorite part) are all untangled and are coming off the same side on all the kites. I have a picture if that would help.
OK. Go to your lines. Remember that what ever leading edge is in the sand, you are going to pull the opposite line, in other words... your gonna take the shortest route up... so pull the line that has the leading edge OUT of the sand. In a good wind, one good strong pull will launch em. I had the pleasure of flying Doug LaRocks stack of twenty five, and I launched them the same way. Awsome experience .
As far as line goes, I flew on 80 lb spectra for years, but have since moved to 150 lb. ( am flying a 6 stack now in higher winds).
No, they will not melt lol ..... I have had my original set for 25 years now.. and yeah .. they look it... but they have survived alot!!! As my first kitemaking project, I just got done sewing my six stack in ripstop. I love em.
Also, when you get the hang of the 45 foot tails... on a good strong wind day, try 100 foot tails.. sigh.. awsomeeeeeeeeee..
Are you going to be at wskif this year? I would be happy to help you if you want, or we could do team trilbys??? woohoooooooooooo..
I like that.. Team trilby... hmmm has a nice ring to it...
Have fun, and good luck.. from a true trilby lover at heart..
nothing like a little tail.. winks.