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Everything posted by Mousie

  1. Looks up.... moves over.... I dont wanna stand underneath Moonie anymore... ew.. shakes... Mousies love Furrys... cough.. I mean furys.
  2. I say we hang onto our pennies.. Penny? what do ya think... this sounds like a double dog dare to me... I would ask ya Monks, wheres yer.b.. nm hahaha those shorts r just too short to ask that hahahathud...
  3. Here's to a new year filled with great happiness, great people and great winds..... put em all together shake em up and you have......... hey you have ussssssssssss...woohoo... HIPPY NEWT YURT!!!!
  4. makes a note... dont mess with the font stuff again mouse.. sheeesh
  5. Looks at Toddy... ITS MINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ALLL MINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! hehe how ya doing ??? I need to get over there and fly with you guys.. sheesh.... hugs mousie
  6. Monkey had popcorn... but I have malted milk balls... so.. ha!
  7. true.. but worth a giggle.. wanna debate it? kiddddddddddddddding.. hehe
  8. gotta give it to him.... good joke....
  9. ill bring the cherry bombs..... move overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..
  10. ooo.. is the cover scarry??? I dont have access to it.. hugs mousie
  11. ummm no.. not yet... Looking for an extremely secluded beach lol.. I have a tendency to get tangled up in things.. could be ugly...
  12. sitting here visualizing lmao Ok you win, you out darked me ...
  13. hehee.. thats cause Ya got 8 lines instead of four... walks away snickering.....
  14. Hands Audio Rob the keys to her Quadrophonic utility amphibious dash vehicle , More commonly known as Q.U.A.D.V. Your gonna need it... lol hugs mousie
  15. Opps. Rebel Angel here.... I have been working undercover. Tator, what dark side? *coughs* There is no darkside.... there is front side.. and backside.. Is there a Quadside? If so, how do I get there? Do I have to show my quadification card? I am not certain that I quadify.... but I will quadruple my practice time... maybe that will help...
  16. Hippo birdie two ewessssssssss hippo birdie two ewesssssss hippo birdie two moonieeeeeeeeeeeee hippo birdie two ewesssssssssssssss and moonie moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hugssssssssssss mousie
  17. lol tyty.. now. can you guys just make me into an icon so i can fly a rev like that??? .. it's not too much to ask.. is it???
  18. OK... those are awsome.. Makes me wanna hide my stunts and go rev.. very good pics! hugs mousie
  19. Happy Halloween to you too! I went to a carving party and we had a blast.. here are the results... http://pics.livejournal.com/mousieo/pic/0005qxbd/g19
  20. Mousie

    Lincoln City

    Just alot of green slime and sand.... really. **grrrrr****
  21. Mousie

    Lincoln City

    lol I really should read this more often.... Me? making monkey dunk kites? pffffffffffffffft lol.. sure sure .. blame the mouse for your crashes lol... and lets talk ocean slime..... for a minute... I spent over 45 min in the shower with my trilby stack saturday night.... Hows thattttttttttt for a hot date !!!
  22. OKkkkkkkkkk Bosley... that icon is rippin coollllllllllllllllllllllll.. lol.. and that site... omg.. those kites are fantastic..... thanks for sharing that....
  23. Mousie


    I would like to place an order for the New Barresi 1 model. Make it a vented.. right down the middle please. Oh, and is optional velcro available? Oh, one more thing. When I use the vented option, is there built in sound effects of the wolf howling???
  24. I have been **cheating** and flying my indoor wren outdoors.. hey.. why not... its actually been fun flying on 20 ft lines.. I have found I can do alot of fun stuff then too... I have also been flying indoors with the wren.. which has been fun, cept my calves are killing me!! eeeeeeeeek..
  25. Mousie

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    hehe 451..
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