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Everything posted by Mousie

  1. Mousie

    Top 20 List

    justttttttttttttttttt did him at 286!!! told ya i was a super mouse... snorts
  2. Mousie

    Top 20 List

    As a matter of fact.... he DOESSSSSSSSS have a superrrrrrr mouse... **dances to the new jams... ***.. thought my computer had been invaded by split yer pants earth monkeys.. sheeeeeeeesh.. lol
  3. I like my Nighthawk more everytime I fly it. Its not a wallet buster by any means at $120. And when I am not at the lines, it will trick pretty well lol... Still working on the flick flack... and I finally did a nice fade the other day thanks to Barresi and Rudolph helping me at wskif!
  4. Congrates to Ellen Pardee. A wonderful article about her skills and the wonderful things she adds to all our lives. Thanks Ellen! hugs and love ya to.. mousie
  5. niceeeee photooooo Tater!
  6. Mousie

    Lincoln City

    we missssssssssed you penny! It was alot of fun, despite a few raindrops.. hehe.. I even got talked into doing my first demo!! ... on the sandbar... umm coughs.. in the water...snorts... Ok.. so I was shy... !
  7. hmmm I am not sure yet... I fly what Monkey sends me off to practice with .... lol.. Holding out on a final decision... .. hugs to ya moonie...
  8. sniffles .. i wont be
  9. ok.. when are we talking about??? and eek is what mousies say when excited or happy.... eek eek eek
  10. K... lost here... whats pacific beach? eek
  11. Ill take the white and purple rev... and whatever is attatched to it...
  12. Hey Bosleyyyyyyyyy where are YOUR pics???
  13. hippo birdie two ewes hippo birdie two ewes.. hippo birdie two tatorsssssssssssssssss hippo birdie two ewes.... hope your day is wonderful.... hugs mousie
  14. giggles.. lotsssssssss of goose pooop...
  15. Mousie

    Desert Island

    like mice?? count me in.. hehe
  16. I have to chime in here.. I loved the UFO... way fun.. floaty and very controllable..( ok i clunked myself a few times lol) but I got pretty good with it on a single line... in a short time. I have an air-yo, which I have had alot of trouble keeping on the frame.. thinking of permanetly stitching it on.. to see what that does. I purchased an indoor trick wren last march. I have yet to fly it.. but i paid less then $100 for it and I have seen how they fly indoors.. pretty sweet. good luck to ya hugs mousie
  17. wohoooooooo.. yeah ya made it! welcome! Had a wonderful time flying with you Win, thanks for all the great help... I hope to be axle queen by spring... lol hugs mousie
  18. umm Moony... maybe we should use it to sling her foot up?? eek..We wondered where ya went to Arch... what happened hon? hugs
  19. looks at Paul.... You and me both.... Bend is beginning to feel like I am stuck in a solid stand of trees.. with a stack of kites.... get me outta herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  20. Mousie

    Desert Island

    One Question... Are there monkeys on the island??? <;3_)~~~~~~~
  21. So wonderful to meet you !!! I had a great time , and thanks for all the tips. Between the lessons from you , bosley and Toddy, I will be ready for the island.. in the year 2008.... snort. Kidding, but I have alot to work on...all of it a blast!!!! hugs mousie
  22. ehemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ARCH? I cant believe you took off with my glow in the dark thongsssssssssssssssssss.... (taps feet together...) there's no place like home..... (get me outta here) there's no place like home.....( hurry monks... get me outta here) there's no place like home .....( get on your blue horse monkey... hurryyyyyy) ok Arch..?? is this a challange? You and me... the island.... hot chicks challenge for my glow in the dark thongs.... oh.. wait.. i mean hot tricks.......
  23. So sorry to hear of your loss.... hugs to you..
  24. Umm thanks Rick... I will remember not to sit close to any of you... thud
  25. wow congradulations! nice to meet you and welcome.. signed the resident mouse... <:3_)~~~~~~~~~~~
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