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Everything posted by Mousie

  1. woooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooo i am in!
  2. well.. Codys wont do you any good... IF YOU CANT GET EM UP!!!!!! runs snorting..
  3. Like a Dody with his head in the sand......... so are the days of our lives....... ok..thats it mouse.. NO MORE DOUBLE LATTES> I am even sounding wierd to myself now.. thats skeery.
  4. Hey llama... did you ever get the thing up? Your cody I mean... runs snorting hehehehehehe
  5. Very niceeeeeeeeeeee... I want to build one!!!!!!! It looks beautiful there.... hugs mousie
  6. Mousie


    Wow.... You can do that?
  7. wooo hooo nice team there Bosley! Hugs Kitepilot! sounds like you have made a spot for yourself out there . Great to hear. I want pics! When you get a chance, try two trilby tails on your beetle. Not at the spine but at your extenders at the trailing edge... nowwwwwwwwwwwww your scribbling rainbows....... It's taken me a year to find you trilby lovers out there.. about time too, I was about to *HIGH TAIL** it outta here... OK.. its early and no coffee... and i have been staying up till 3 am sewing lmao.... eek hugs Mousie
  8. *packs her purple nail polish...**** bare feet huh?
  9. Better watch it llama..... Your angels turn on you and you could be in for it at wskif... (looks at Arch and Tator and Moon. ) Rebel
  10. Mousie

    Trlby Kites

    omggggggggggggggggggggg YOU JUST GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS!!!!!!! I am so glad! There is just nothing like it huh? . hugs .. I am really happy for you. That is so sweet. Kids are so awsome. They remind us how simple and wonderful life is sometimes. I had a similair experience about a year ago. I was flying the trilbys at lincoln City, during the fall fest. I was south of the main beach and doing my thing... the mp3 player on, and pretty oblivious to anything else. Suddenly a young boy of about 10 came running up to me.... eyes all lit up, and a huge smile. He stood there, not saying a word, just watching the trilbys swirl about. I turned off the music and said hi to him. He was smiling at me, but not saying a word, still watching the kites, totally taken by them. There was no one with him, and no one about that looked like they were searching for him. I held out the lines and asked him if he wanted to try it. (the kites were still up) and he dove in between my arms so fast he almost knocked me over. I had him in front of me, my hands in the loops, but his hands on them too.. and we just started flying, looping and ground sweeping. All the while, me chatting away explaining how to turn etc. He was still not saying a word. I finally asked him. Do you like them?.. He softly answered me. *I am flying, I am flying*. We continiued to fly the trilbys for a few more minutes before I noticed a woman standing not to far off watching. I glanced at her and smiled and she walked up quietly. She introduced herself... I cant remember her name now, only that this was Mom and her son's name was Andy. She cont to watch Andy loop the trilbys, I was just holding the loops at that point. Andy was smiling so big, and he suddenly saw Mom there, and began to say, to her, *I am flying Mom, Look, I am flying*.. His speech was a bit broken, but he was so excited I figured it was that. Lord knows I have done it flying kites. Gotten so lost and *Up there* that nothing else really flows except that. His mom was watching him, and took some pictures of him flying , and his smile. Suddenly, without warning, Andy dropped the lines and ran off towards the kites. Lucky for me I was attatched to them. His mom looked at me, and thanked me with tears in her eyes, and then said to me. "Andy is my only son. He is severely autistic and hardly ever speaks, or shows emotion. Thank you.. so much." As she walked off to catch up with Andy who was now running down the beach, she left me standing there, with my heart melting, and my eyes filled with tears. Sometimes we find bridges to places we dont even know are there...... Ty to Mnkyboy, who captured this moment for me. Andy
  11. hhmmmmm Waddel ya think wood work on the duel Moon? What do you say we flock at the beer garden and make plans... hugs mousie
  12. Looks up at Monks in the coconut tree... gives a signal... hmm tomatoes vs coconuts.. coconut... tomatoes... hmmm better get a helmet DODY!
  13. Mousie

    Trlby Kites

    some say i am just full of it lol.... glad to help.
  14. hands you a smmooothie.. oh man.. the same happened to me ... hugs to you.. it willlllllll get better .. promise love moosie
  15. steps in.. peeks around.. steps back out... hmmm
  16. Hi, My name is Moosie. I am innocent of all charges.... **turns and runs***
  17. One small but very fzy mousie, available for hire. Will hunt down any single line cody fliers . Have malted milk ball gun.... will travel... Count me in Penny! Bringing glow sticks.. I will signal you with a blue one. Moon? You go around the back way and get him from behind.. I will approach innocently with the trilbys.. and wrap him up like kelp on a swimmer.. (ask monkey.. eek... almost did that to him once..) waves "sorry monks" heheh.. Oh.. and Penny... bringing my radar activated glow thongs.. i mean fllip flopssssssssssss eek
  18. Looks at Penny... pstttttt.. doesnt he know that we now have infared? they have come along way since the civil war lol... ducking will do you no good Dody!!!!
  19. I think I put my answer in the wrong place eeeek...lol.
  20. Mousie

    Trlby Kites

    Ok sorry I am a dork lol. I linked you to my kite shots. but enjoy, there is a pic of the stack up in the air thats nice too... and a pic of Rick Browns cody war kite( the Lady Blue) . Some from last years wskif too. eek.. I will master this geek stuff yet!!!! hugs mousie
  21. Mousie

    Trlby Kites

    My Webpage ok .. gona try this picture thingy.. eeek hmm so far so good.. ok that first pic is the stack belonging to Doug and Linda LaRock. Wonderful peaple. Please Keep Doug in your prayers for a complete recovery from his kiting accident. Ok, this next pic is me flying Doug's stack, ok.. well it almost flying me. I launched it, by myself, but you can see the marks in the sand in front of us where I landed when Doug finally decided he didnt want to loose his stack lol.. He grabbed the second set of wrist bands, thank goodness and down we went .. thrill of a lifetime. Hugs to you both Doug and Linda. trilby pics
  22. Mousie

    Trlby Kites

    oooo HEY THERE BOSLEY! Anytime and I do mean that.. ANYTIME you need a pilot for that stack.. I am willingggggg .. omg thats gorgeous. Sorry Guys, I have been busy working on a new Kite. (not telling till wskif) Ok.. Trilby tails. heres What I do. For years now, and dont giggle cause I do mean years, my trilby stack (the plastic one) has lived in a black garbage bag. When I move it anywhere, I usually keep it in the trunk out of sun, or in my jeep cherokee in the back.. No problems so far and I have lived in southern CAl and here in central Oregon. Thats NOT to say it cant happen with the tails melting on you, but maybe the black bag saved me . Anyway. I dont use a winder for the tails, but i do slip knot them all the way down to the ends. Ellen Pardee is a master at this and showed me and it works very well. First get all the kites laying down stacked on each other. Start at the kite end of the tail and make a loop(use all the tails as though they are one) . Reach thru the loop and grab the tails close to the loop. Pull them thru the first loop only enough to make another loop. Reach thru the second loop, and grab the tails near it again, and pull that thru to make a third loop. etc till you reach the end of the tails. It looks a bit like a giant braid, then I just loop it figure eight style and throw a Large Pony tail band on it. It wont hang up in the plastic tail material .. Yeah yeah, I know.. its not fancy but its practical! lol It works for pretty much anything you need to keep untangled. When you need to take the tails out. Simply get your kites layed down in a stack again, wieght em so they dont decide to make your life miserable for the next hour(thats happened to me a few times lmao ). Then take the hair band off, and lay out the *braid*. Simply free the very end of the tails then pull gently. This pulls the loops back out one at a time and you can either shake em a bit to make sure they arent twisted too much around each other as you let them out, or just undo all the loops and then lay the tails to full length. In a good wind, gently shaking them will stretch them out as you go. Kitepilot, As far as the ripstop set of trilbys goes? Its the best stack I have flown so far. It flys as responsive as the four stack of plastic. In fact, I have to be careful not to loop it too tight, as I will catch a tail up on the kite itself lol... I can usually take the stack to one side of the window(the area where the wind is strongest) and let it begin to stall.. as it does... run forword a step or two and it will sometimes unhook the tail. Not always, but hey. Worth a try if your alone and it does that. Note that I am using the regular plastic trilby tails on this stack. I didnt have time to build tails too before Lincoln City, but it is my plan to make ripstop ones. I think they will slide off a line alot easier if I hook em. Hope this helps. OK John... how the heck do I post my trilby pics here???? eeeek... hugs mousieo
  23. OH man I am gonna miss this????? arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
  24. *insert evil moosie laugh here* who .. moi?
  25. Actually Dody, its spelt T R I L B Y . HI kreestyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! HI monnieeeeeeeeeeeeee HI pennieeeeeeeeeee love, moosie...
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