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Everything posted by Mousie
hugs planegirlie.. hey. no problem... will keep you and your friend in my thoughts and prayers.... I dont hope for miracles... i expect them... hugs ya tight.. mousie
and by the way... AMENNNNNNNNNN lol
ok ok.. think I will fly the trilbys a bit longer... lol.. I beat myself up falling off horses too long to do that.. and I have to agree about the safety issues. You only get one body and one head.. I am ignorant as to this power lift stuff.. and willing to admit it.. but safety is first regardless. These stories you all just shared are not exactly pretty. Thanks for the heads up.. I consider myself more educated.. Hugs , Mousie... <:3_)~~~~~
Ok.. now thattttttttt looks like too much fun.. looks at penny.. you have sand in your eyes too?? maybe we should get some cool dark glasses.. in the meantime.. looks at the picture.. thatsssssssss flyin!!! great shot... hugs mousie
Thud.. falls off chair.. ummm.. looking up.. OK well I guess I am officially signed up now Penny.. bring it on at lincoln .. I will be there. Used to drive horses in a buggy.. does that count for something..??? Cant wait to see the new do.. did ya go pink???????? Thanks for the advice Windofchange... bats her eyes.. * got sand in em* lol.. gotta save that advice.. sheeesh.. ok he got me.. i am speechless.. maybe if i could stop I could think of a response... As far as the Rev goes.. I can go up... and umm down and i am just gonna quit here while i am ahead.. lol runs for door... oh.. and CLT thankssssss for the invite.. believe me.. if I could be there I would. This is just wayyyy too long in between fests... Why dont ya hit lincoln City and then we could get Tater to buggy us down to NC for some fun down south !!! hugs mousie <:3_)~~~
lol penny.. sheesh share the wealth!!!!! Gosh how the heck do you meet these guys? gotta love this.. ok.. how good to i have to be at rev before i dare to try the buggy.. ?? and where do we sign up...???? hugs mousie.
Hey Moon.. Wow.. nice to see you here. I met you at Brookings. You guys are making me want to move closer to the beach now.. sheesh .. hugs mousie
Welcome to you Oculus! I am in Bend and have the same problem... a 4 hour drive for me is just not realistic.. I am thinking I will have to learn to brave the winds of winter as I think they are the only ones I will get here. I can fly a beetle in lighter winds though.. but because of the consistancy or lack of it.. it's frustrating. Thinking about trying to indoor fly... lol .. nice to see you here.. have fun, hugs mousie
Just ckd out the website.. and the kestrel is still available... or at least advertised .. hugs mousie
tyty.... hmm I am hoping to win one of the kites in the drawing .. have to admit , thats where ya caught me.. sigh.... I am dangerous at auctions too... sheeesh.. hugs mousie. oh.. and i will take ya up on a lesson.. if you ever have time.. lol..
psssssssssssst... hey penny... I work at the elementary school.... every morning at 645... but i can get in early.... like.. 5am....hehehe wanna do some indoor??? hugs to ya.. mousie
Hugs to ya planegirl.. Sorry I missed you at wskif.. I was busy drying out.. heck, I am still busy drying out! Been busy here with school starting up , getting the classroom ready and generally gearing myself up for a year of kids kids kids!!! I am already looking forward to Lincoln city ... sheeesh that's bad huh? Had my angel tshirt on at wskif.. but it rained to hard. I might have gotten in trouble .. white shirt.. anyway.. are ya coming to lincoln? Hope you can make it.. Let's not pass each other this time ok?? Oh.. and Eyeball? I had to... I need a good kite ya know? But if I finally get one, I am gonna need some help ... think llama would give me some lessons? hugs to all, mousie
Wow, sounds like a great idea! How bout some things like: sunscreen a hat gloves an inexpensive dragon kite for the kiddos Love the beetle Idea !!!! a couple of feathers -like everyone wears or they sell at the fests.. a kiting t shirt? a great cd to fly to. ummm help me out guys!!! will think so more. long day today penny.. but I would bid on it! hugs mousie.. <:3_)~~~~~~
ok trying this.. cause some of you need a good whipping lmao.. ok.. nevermind.. help eyeball guy,.its not attaching my icons grrrrrrrr
aww.. sits by llama... I am your friend.. want a marshmellow? ----------{} or .. we could go bowling... ? &&&&___________O________<:3_)~~~ hugs mousie
****** hiccup****** who... moi? lol. notice cough* I was standing on the OUTSIDE of the beer tent at wskif??? Of course, that way I got to dance with the beer garden police.. woohoo, quite a Fred Astaire he was too. hugs mousie
I would be happy toooooooo boomer.. on thier way now.... hugs to ya..!!! hugs mousie
Hippo Birdie two ewes! Hippo Birdie two ewes! Hippo Birdie deer TATOR!!! Hippo Birdie two EWE!!!!!!!!! :b-day: woohoooooooooooooooooo ! Sorry I missed giving you a birthday elephant ear!!! gonna bye ya an ice cream at lincoln city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hugssss mousie
lol what is it with these flyers with no cars??? you all need to get codys big enough to fly on.. lol... big onessssss.. ok found the rest of the icons.. will email ya some more eyeball guy! If i hear of anyone goin thru portland i will let ya know... thinking i may know of someone. hugs mousie
Runs up to Rev hugsssssssssss her tight.. trilby((((((((rev)))))))mousie.. wow good to see ya here. It was a great time even in the fog and next year we should all lite em up.... whatever we have.. still have the ears.. connor made me save em all.. so we will just relite em and run around with revs and stuff.. and have a great time!!!!!!! hugs mousie
OK.. so you have been lurking lol.. i get it. cool.. so do tell how we cut and paste these in here.. or do we have to browse.. help.. I have a ton... all good. By the way eyeball guy.. Here's to a safe and awsome trip over seas and back. I hope its all ya dream of , and the winds are good. Come to licoln on Sunday , its just down the road!!! Hugs , mousie.
Learn to fly?? well umm I attempted to fly.. but I think I got the umm cough basics.. actually loved it.. I started with Lolly and David put the polish on.. ok.. so I am stretching it.. like a rubber band.. lol but they are both great instructors.. *praying I dont have to fly a quad in front of anyone at lincoln..... gulp... hugs mousie
hmmmm sits there smiling.. this certainly has its possibilities.. doesnt it? *talking to herself* be good mousie.. be good.. coughs. ok umm so where are ya getting those eyeball guy??? gosh i am being so good here.. someone shoot me.. goes to the corner.. hugs mousie..
CRASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH silence.? what silence... opps.. monkey.. ummm how many pieces were in that kite anyway? I better go practice some more.. of Penny will disown me. hugs , mousie..
chokes, sputters, umm yikes!!!! You would think I am the way you bossed me around at wskif! sheeesh lol.. I guess I better become official huh? If I pay my dues.. wait a sec... havent I already paid my dues???? I mean.. look at all the grief those guys gave me.. doesnt that count for sompin??? ok ok... sigh.. I better do this or I wont hear the end of it will I???? hugs you , mousie.. oh wait.. who is amy anyway?????? pfffffft