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Everything posted by Brettgrant99

  1. Brettgrant99


    From the album: brettgrant99

  2. Blue Sky at Boxcar Park in Everett, WA
  3. No, he was travelling with wife, dogs, and car in tow, so no time. Sounds like he has a good group up in Canada to fly with though.
  4. I met with Ron yesterday, and took this off of his hands. He was a pleasure to deal with, and this was probably the quickest deal that I have done before. I think that this was probably one of the earlier kites. It actually included Rev handles, rather than the symmetrical ones that I am used to. I thought at first this was a mistake, but the manual actually specifies Rev1 handles. Too bad that I am moving this weekend and won't have time to fly it.
  5. PM sent I'm thinking that I probably have a set of Rev Handles that I could throw in, too.
  6. Pretty Cool. I'll bet that he bought it during the Washington State International Kite Festival. That one looks like the pre-HQ Six panel version. Are the handles wood or bent carbon-fiber spars? I'll be honest, while both are fun to fly, the Deca has a zen quality to it that the rev just doesn't have. Now I am just throwing out an opinion, but I would ditch buying a rev, and just start flying what you have. The initial setup is tricky, but after you have done it a few times and learn how to put it away and set it up, you can do it just as quickly as a rev. They pack up pretty small. You can lay on your back in the grass and fly them one-handed. They will float and move about on the breeze with a magical quality. It will remind you of your dad. The skills that you learn while flying it will translate over to the rev. You might want to try it out before getting a rev. Rev has been around for a while, and I doubt they are going anywhere. You can always pick one up later. Many Rev flyers have never flown anything but a rev, so that is all that they have opinions about. I would love to pick up another Deca, but I really think that you should try flying it first. My dad hasn't passed on yet, but I won't ever sell that set of Trlbys that he got, oh, so long ago.
  7. I always have interest in Decas. Let me know if you want to get rid of it. When was it purchased, and what was the original price?
  8. Here is an old shot of some of my quadlines for a size comparison. In front, in white/black/pink is a Synergy Deca15 Pink/blue is a Rev2 Blue/white/black/red is a Rev Backtracker Black/red on the left is a Rev Shockwave Red/Black/White on the right is a Rev 1.5 Not pictured is a Rev1, which is larger than all of those.
  9. Come on down to Seattle, and I will help you set up your Rev. And I will take that terrible Synergy off of your hands In all seriousness, the Deca is a great quad, but it isn't a Rev. I've let a number of new flyers try the Deca, and they all pick it up a little faster than a Rev. They really haven't been made for a while, so a lot of people don't even know about them. The Decas can be very confusing to set up, especially if the spars have been twisted into the support lines in a confusing way. Revs are super easy to set up. Come on down to Seattle, and I will show you how to set up your Synergy Deca, too.
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