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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    B-2 mid vent / rev classic / widow /Deepspace
  • Flying Since
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    kc mo
  • Country
    United States
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  1. zuul64


    hi hey would either of you { riffclown or acrop } consider making some kites for other ppl I E me
  2. hello    hey just saw your post on kites for  sale  do you still have the TOTL Hawaiian , the landyork spider  and the little yellow  quads i dont see a  pic of the yellow . can you tell me if it the same size as a b2 . if  so  what would you be willing to talke for all 3   ty 

    zuul 64 

    1. mystainedskin


      Kites are returning to owner. I will relay your interest too them.

      No Hawaiian was ever listed.

      Small kites are different from b2 it rev 2.

  3. dorts lol its a good thing : }
  4. hi  hey do you still have your zen for sell ?

  5. a big GRATS to paraglider : }
  6. MY fingers are crossed prayers have been made it will go well in a stack with my b2 and b st of the same colors
  7. hi  john   hey sry  for buggin ya  but can you tell me where i can go in the site to find my member #   thank you  for wonderful site and your time  



    1. John Barresi

      John Barresi

      Not a worry Ed, you came to the right place - your subscriber number is 1460. ;) 

  8. HI do you still have the level one V-Max kites 

    1. Airfx


      Yep... I still do. I actually have three complete kites (two vents and one standard) Also 4 additional sails/rods. 

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