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Bunduki Vlieger

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Everything posted by Bunduki Vlieger

  1. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath de tomaso superleggera pu mint x Bunduki Vlieger
  2. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath de tomaso superleggera pu mint x Bunduki Vlieger
  3. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath de tomaso honey mango x Bunduki Vlieger
  4. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath de tomaso honey mango x Bunduki Vlieger
  5. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath de tomaso honey mango x Bunduki Vlieger
  6. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath de tomaso honey mango x Bunduki Vlieger
  7. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath de tomaso honey mango x Bunduki Vlieger
  8. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath de tomaso honey mango x Bunduki Vlieger
  9. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath de tomaso honey mango x Bunduki Vlieger
  10. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath c’est la vie freestyle superwarmred x Bunduki Vlieger
  11. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath c’est la vie freestyle superwarmred x Bunduki Vlieger
  12. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath c’est la vie freestyle superwarmred x Bunduki Vlieger
  13. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath c’est la vie freestyle superwarmred x Bunduki Vlieger
  14. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath c’est la vie freestyle superwarmred x Bunduki Vlieger
  15. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath c’est la vie freestyle superwarmred x Bunduki Vlieger
  16. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Horvath c’est la vie freestyle superwarmred x Bunduki Vlieger
  17. Hi! Roger is always is good place to start if you want a Quad for little money. He has just introduced a new line called ENDOR. When you don't necessarily need a new quad and want to shop more price-consciously: The ”Börse” in the German kite forum is a reputable source for second hand kites: https://www.drachenforum.net/boerse/ You can also leave a ISO in English there. You could, for example, look for a used KQK. Very high quality, excellent flight characteristics, Made in Germany and available from SUL to Extra Vented. https://www.korvokites.de/index.php/de/vierleiner/kqk If you are interested in an STD, I am also selling two Quads: Rev 1.5 JB and Rev 1.5 Super Leading Edge.
  18. Cool kite. But I already have it. So I leave this prize to the others 😁
  19. So many winners lately! Congratulations!
  20. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Wolfgang Neumann Multiflex F x Bunduki Vlieger
  21. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Wolfgang Neumann Multiflex F x Bunduki Vlieger
  22. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Level One ONEeleven x Bunduki Vlieger
  23. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Level One ONEeleven x Bunduki Vlieger
  24. From the album: #BundukiVlieger

    Level One ONEeleven x Bunduki Vlieger
  25. I listen to all the episodes. There are great guests like Scott Weider, Canvas Kite and so on. The episodes with JB were amusing an informative. More please!!!
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