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The Kite Shoppe

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Everything posted by The Kite Shoppe

  1. Didn't get a chance to get away from the shoppe this weekend! But we did get out to Delta park on Monday and flew the heck out of stuff! Had great winds and blue skies! I just hate the scruffy 'grass' there though...put a rip in the sail of the DFM but nothing a little tedlar won't fix! Had a customer come in the Shoppe yesterday, and he commented how nice it was to meet you and fly with you at Sunset Beach! Robert....with a buggy and kids....do you remember him? Sure wish we could have made it! I have it on my calendar, for next year....if they hold it again! Also...I have Robert checking on reserving a gym here in Vancouver, for indoor fly time. He 'knows' somebody.....so will see if that works out! Later, Theresa
  2. Looking forward to meeting you at the Fun Fly! Look for 'stuff' in the air.....towards the south end of the parking area. As you pull into the park, it will curve around to the left. Go past the restrooms, to the next parking area to the south. You should see us there. Nice grassy area, under a couple trees, with a picnic table. We spread out down there, and have lots of room to fly, relax, visit, fly, eat, visit, fly..... Theresa
  3. Penny, Great idea! E-mail me your address, and I can send you some goodies to add to the basket. Theresa
  4. .....John, this year, Sept the 19th is a Sunday....... T
  5. Ok, I got it to take it, but, boo hoo, it's awfully small. Think I resized it too small? I'll try again a little later.....on my way to go fly! Got the new Phx Supremes in, and haven't had a chance to try it out, with all the rain we been having! At least the lawn is green again!
  6. I'll try this and see if I can add a pic. This was taken Saturday at WSIKF during the Mass Assention. Nope...didn't work..... got error message.....
  7. Penny, I posted this link in the Events thread: http://quadlinekites.com/sobb/Maps.html Looks like Buggying will be happening Sept 4th to the 11th at Sunset Beach! Theresa
  8. A buggy customer asked me about this event, now I'm asking if anybody has been to it.....or is planning to go to it? It looks like a whole week long event? http://quadlinekites.com/sobb/Maps.html Any feed back appreciated! Thanks! Theresa
  9. Weather permitting.....we will have our regularly scheduled 3rd Sunday of the month Fun Fly at Frenchman's bar on Sept 19th, 2004. http://www.ci.vancouver.wa.us/parks-recrea.../frenchmans.htm (south end of the park) We start at 11am and go till....... Potluck goodies welcome, or just bring a sandwich to tide you over, from all that flying! Hope to see you all there! Theresa
  10. John, I gather that this means all posts and entries from July 16th, won't be found? So....I urge everbody to jump back in here, and try and repost their posts, events, photos, whatever, to fill the threads back up. Speaking of back-ups.....I backed up http://www.thekiteshoppe.com/phpBB2/index.php last night, and will try and remember to do it often! Thanks for all you do! T
  11. Good Job, John! Glad to see this back up again! Whew! Hugs, T
  12. Here's a copy of an e-mail I got from the SWWKA prez:
  13. The third Sunday of the month is SWWKA regular scheduled Fun Fly. We will be at Frenchman's Bar, in Vancouver, WA. start at 11am and go till......? http://www.swwka.kiteshoppe.com/ Come on out and join us!
  14. Hello! I have a question....Does anyone know if the loss of the AKA insurance coverage for sanctioned events will effect the May 22-23 Lewis and Clark Expo Fly Seaside, OR event? Thanks!
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